Aalaei, Mahboobe
Classifying Age of Policyholders According to the Claim Rates in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 141-175]
Abbasian, Ezatollah
Testing of the Existence of Baumol Cost Disease in Public Education Expenditures in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 203-231]
Abbasian, Ezatollah
Providing an Export Development Model in the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry with a Logistics System-Based Approach [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 91-116]
Abbasian, Ezatollah
Prediction of Bank Deposits by Machine Learning Method [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 137-167]
Abbasian, Ezatollah
An Analysis of Financial Corruption Index (FCI) in Iran Through Deprivation Theory [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 155-179]
Abbasinejad, Hossein
Implementation of value added tax on bank sector in explaining Iran economic fluctuations using the approach of New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 85-110]
Abbasmiri, Seyedeh Samaneh
Estimating the Amount of Compensatory Payment as a Result of Changes in Energy Prices in the Field of Urban Drinking Water Consumers [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 203-221]
Abbaszadeh, Mojtaba
Investigating the Effect of Energy Carrier Prices on the Investment of Iranian Industrial Enterprises [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 43-71]
Abdolhosseiny, Morteza
The Relationship Between the Government’s Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions During the Period of the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus and the Iran Stock Market: The Role of Public Vaccination [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 169-199]
Abdoli, Ghahraman
The Effects of Exchange Rate Shock on the Value of Selected Industries in the Tehran Stock Exchange with TVP-FAVAR Approach [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 73-109]
Abdoli, Ghahraman
Investigating the Response of Firm’s Value to Interest Rate Shock in Selected Industries of Tehran Stock Market: TVP-FAVAR Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 141-175]
Abdoli, Ghahreman
An Analysis of Financial Corruption Index (FCI) in Iran Through Deprivation Theory [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 155-179]
Abdollahi, Freshteh
Examining the Effects of Governance on Health in Iran Using Bounds Testing Approach [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 133-150]
Abdolvand, Ali
The Application of the Bargaining Game Model to Efficiency Decomposition of the Two-Stage Centralized Model in Iranian Banks [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 81-108]
Abdoshahi, Abbas
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Pro Poor Growth in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 227-251]
Abolhasani, Masoume
Performance of ARIMA and Neural Network GMDH approaches in prediction of natural gas demand in various sectors (Iran-1380-1389) [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 33-58]
Abolhasani, Mohammad Javad
Determining the Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of Macroeconomics and Banking Variables on the Volume of Non-performing Loan of Banks Accepted by Tehran Stock Exchange (2007- 2017) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 201-233]
Aboutorabi, Mohammad Ali
The Effect of Inflation on Finance-Growth Causality in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 269-299]
Aboutorabi, Mohammad Ali
Real-Fiscal Linkages of Fiscal Revenue-side in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Abrishami, Hamid
Forecasting of Crude Oil Price by Using Wavelet Transform, Non-Linear and Linear Models [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2013, Pages 41-62]
Performance of ARIMA and Neural Network GMDH approaches in prediction of natural gas demand in various sectors (Iran-1380-1389) [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 33-58]
Abuzary, Ayoob
Currency shocks and dollarization of Iranian economy [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 55-73]
Adeli, Abdolhamid
The Impact of Export Restrictions on Iran’s Non-oil Export With an Emphasis on Mining Sector [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 163-189]
Adeli, Abdolhamid
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Iran's Export:
Using the Synthetic Control Method [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 97-127]
Afghah, Seyed Morteaza
Investigating the Impact of Financial Development Dimensions on Income Distribution with Emphasis on Tehran Stock Exchange Data [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 223-258]
Afrookhteh, Mohsen
Investigating the Effects of The Specific Fiscal Policies to Reduce Regional Inequality in Iran: Spatial Econometric Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 171-194]
Agheli, Lotfali
Assessing the Socio-Economic Consequences of Corona in Iran, from the Behavioral Economics Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 209-236]
Agheli, Lotfali
Factors Affecting Poverty in Female-headed Households with an Emphasis on Health Indicators [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 43-74]
Ahangari, َAbdolmajid
The Pattern of Long-Term Volatility Transferring to the Industry Sector in the Tehran Stock Exchange Using the Mixed Data Model
(GARCH-MIDAS Approach) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 73-95]
Ahmadi, Ahmadreza
Analysis of the Effect of Globalization on Economic Well-Being in Iran: Emphasizing the Dimensions and Components of Globalization [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 45-80]
Ahmadi, Alimohammad
Factors Affecting Poverty in Female-headed Households with an Emphasis on Health Indicators [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 43-74]
Ahmadi, Atefeh
Application of Melitz Model in Investigating the Role of Productivity of Cement Manufacturing Firms in Cement Exports [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 259-293]
Ahmadi, Khalil
Analysis the Effects of Macroeconomic Factors on the Housing Accessibility Index in Urban Areas of Iran: Emphasizing the Role of Government [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 41-71]
Ahmadian Behrouz, Kasra
External debt and economic growth nexus in Iran: Role of macroeconomic polices [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 99-122]
Ahmadian Yazdi, Farzaneh
Investigating the effective factors on human capital accumulation in Iran in the period 1971-2012 [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 201-228]
Ahmadian Yazdi, Farzaneh
Study the Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Oil Market in Iran and the Globe [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 183-209]
Ahmadi hajiabadi, Seyedrohollah
A Survey on The Cointegration Relationship and Causality between Financialization and Income Inequality in Iran: ARDL Bounds and Toda-Yamamoto Approaches [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 253-271]
Ahmadpour, Mahmood
Compensatory payment to Hunters to protect biodiversity of the Fereydunknar wetland [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 221-238]
Ahmadzadeh, Khaled
Investigating the Impact of Operational Risk on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 167-206]
Ajdari, Ali
Estimation of Effective Components on the Preferences of Tehran Citizens to Choose “Car-Free City Center” Using a Random-Parameter Logit Model [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 107-140]
Akbari, mohammadreza
Identifying the effective factors on food insafety in Iranian Rural Households:Application of generalized ordered logit model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 91-125]
Akbari, Nematollah
Estimating the Investment Required to Achieve the Goals of the Sixth Economic Development Program Based on the National Dynamic Input-Output Table [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 9-36]
AKbari, Nemat Ollah
Valuation of External Effects of Air Pollution Due to Urban Transportation Network - Case study: Isfahan [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 181-205]
Akbari Moghadam, Beitollah
The impact of subsidies reform on the inequality of welfare in Iran
(CGE Modelling and Equivalent Variation (EV) Index) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 243-271]
Akbari Moghadam, Beitollah
Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Pass-through Degree in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 25-55]
Akhoondzadeh, Tahereh
The Effect of Financial Stress Index on Mutual Funds Returns [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 161-192]
Alavi Rad, Abbas
Investigating the Sudden Changes in the Money on the Welfare cost of Inflation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 279-313]
Alipour, Mohammadsadegh
Estimation of Demand Function for Household Leisure Time in Urban Areas of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 75-93]
Alizade, Shiva
Investigating the effect of financial decentralization on the misery index with spatial measurement approach (Iranian provinces) [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 107-139]
Alizadeh, Mohammad
Robust Determinants of Housing prices in Iran: Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 49-79]
Alizadeh, Mohammad
Investigating the effect of financial decentralization on the misery index with spatial measurement approach (Iranian provinces) [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 107-139]
Alizadeh, Parisa
Providing a Framework for Allocating Public R&D Budget to the Universities Using Robust Optimization [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 99-135]
Alizadeh, Sedighe
Assessing the Relationship between Poverty, Income Distribution and Economic Growth in Iran (FLSR Fuzzy approach) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 39-54]
Analysis of the barriers for innovation policy-making effectiveness in Iran: an Institutional Approach [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 73-89]
Almasi, Mojtaba
Investigating the Effects of The Specific Fiscal Policies to Reduce Regional Inequality in Iran: Spatial Econometric Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 171-194]
Almasi, Mojtaba
Modeling and Estimation of Uncertainty Time Series of Iran’s Private and Public Investments Using Vasicek’s Mean Reverting Stochastic Differential Equation (Period 1340-1400) [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 39-71]
Amani, Ramin
Investigating the Impact of Operational Risk on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 167-206]
Amini, Maryam
Estimating the Investment Required to Achieve the Goals of the Sixth Economic Development Program Based on the National Dynamic Input-Output Table [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 9-36]
Aminifard, Abbas
Studying the simultaneous effects of economic sanctions shocks on Iran's economic sectors [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 251-275]
Aminifard, Abbas
The Impact of the OPEC Summit on Iran's Oil Revenue (SVAR-Quantile Hybrid Model Approach) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 235-265]
Aminifard, Abbas
Economic-Environmental Analysis of Adoption of Green Tax Policy in Iran with Calculable General Balance Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 195-218]
Amiri, Farhad
Investigation the Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Sub-Sectors Value Added in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 247-267]
Amiri, Reza
The Effects of Exchange Rate Shock on the Value of Selected Industries in the Tehran Stock Exchange with TVP-FAVAR Approach [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 73-109]
Amiri, Reza
Investigating the Response of Firm’s Value to Interest Rate Shock in Selected Industries of Tehran Stock Market: TVP-FAVAR Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 141-175]
Amirzargar, Mohammad ali
Designing a Mechanism for Kidney Exchange in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 95-123]
Anisi, Majid
The Application of the Bargaining Game Model to Efficiency Decomposition of the Two-Stage Centralized Model in Iranian Banks [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 81-108]
Anvari, Ebrahim
Application of the Evolutionary Game Model of Genetic Transfer to Analyze Strategic Trade Relations in Target Markets in Line
with Regional Sgreements [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 1-41]
Anvari, Ebrahim
Investigating the Effect of Stock Market Demand Side Shock on a Selection of Macroeconomic Variables in a Randomized Dynamic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 73-105]
Anvari, Ebrahim
Application of Melitz Model in Investigating the Role of Productivity of Cement Manufacturing Firms in Cement Exports [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 259-293]
Anvari, Ebrahim
A Study of Relation Between Macroeconomic Variables and Inflation Rate in Iran Using Wavelet Coherency, MODWT Wavelet and Granger Causality Method [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 9-40]
Arabian, nasim
Adverse selection Test in Iran's Basic Health Insurance Market [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 93-111]
Arabian Mahdi, Ahmad
Assessment of Credit Channel on Output During Recession and Boom Period in Iran's Economy [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 31-55]
Arabmazar, Abbas
Analysis the Effects of Macroeconomic Factors on the Housing Accessibility Index in Urban Areas of Iran: Emphasizing the Role of Government [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 41-71]
Arabmazar, Aliakbar
The Role of the Unproductive Sector of the Economy and Currency Crisis in Causing Inflation [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 73-101]
Araee, Mehdee
An Analysis of Financial Corruption Index (FCI) in Iran Through Deprivation Theory [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 155-179]
Arman, Seyed Aziz
Investigating and Comparing the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Economies of Iran and Turkey using (DSGE) Method [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 177-217]
Arman, Seyed Aziz
A Study of Relation Between Macroeconomic Variables and Inflation Rate in Iran Using Wavelet Coherency, MODWT Wavelet and Granger Causality Method [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 9-40]
Arman, Seyyed Aziz
Investigating the Effect of Stock Market Demand Side Shock on a Selection of Macroeconomic Variables in a Randomized Dynamic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 73-105]
Arman, Seyyed Aziz
Investigating the Impact of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Inflation and Interest Rate Uncertainty and the Role Monetary and Fiscal Policy Credibility on it: Application of BEKK-VECH-VAR Methods [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 9-37]
Asadi, Freydon
Investigating Dynamic Relation between Tax Structure and Economic Growth in Iran with Emphasis on Uncertainty [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 161-193]
Asadi, Reza
The Effect of Public Goods on Residential Mobility: Comparison all Households and High-Income Groups in Tehran, Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 219-250]
Asadi Mehmandosti, Elaheh
Uncertainty of Oil Proved Reserves and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 131-153]
Asayesh, Hamid
The Interactions of Instability of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the Iranian Economy by the MSVAR Approach [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 169-199]
Asayesh, Hamid
Investigation the Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Sub-Sectors Value Added in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 247-267]
Asgari, Heshmatollah
Evaluation of Projection bias in People’s Beliefs and Intentions Under the Influence of Temperature Changes (With Behavioral Economics Approach) [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 39-61]
Asgharpour, Hossein
External debt and economic growth nexus in Iran: Role of macroeconomic polices [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 99-122]
Asgharpur, Hossein
The Effects of Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Variables on Iran's Banking System Fragility Using Markov-switching Model [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 83-111]
Ashena, Malihe
Dynamic Correlation of Exchange Rate, Export and Import Volatility with The Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (Application of M-GARRCH and DCC Approach) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 135-167]
Ashena, Malihe
The Relationship between Economic Complexity and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Iran Using NARDL Model [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 251-277]
Ashena, Malihe
The Relationship Between the Informal Economy and the Velocity of Money in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 73-99]
Ashrafganjoei, Reza
Estimating Allocation efficiency of Energy Inputs in Agricultural, Industry, and Services [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 223-255]
Ashrafganjoei, Reza
Estimation of Gini Coefficient with Subject to the Size of Government by Using Fuzzy Nonlinear Regression [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 59-79]
Ashraf Ganjoei, Reza
Investigating the Asymmetric Effects of Open Economy Indicators on the Gini Coefficient of Income Deciles in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 223-261]
Ashrafi, Yekta
Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Core Inflation on Economic Growth in Iran: Application of MIDAS Models [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 1-23]
Ashrafzadeh, Hamidreza
The effects of monetary, fiscal, exchange rate, and trade policies on the export and employment of industrial sectors of iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 133-148]
Ashtiani, Mona
The Impact of Business Cycles on Banking System Soundness (With emphasis on Asset Quality) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 15-37]
Ashuri, Nahid
Estimation of Fiscal Illusion Index in Iranian Provinces: Approach of Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 173-208]
Askari, Farid
Investigating Private and Public Investment on the Growth of the Health Sector in Iran: Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 37-72]
Assadzadeh, Ahmad
Simulation and Prediction of Iran's Exports Using the PSO Algorithm to Achieve the Objectives of the Twenty Years Vision Document
(Case Study: Comparison with Turkish Economy) [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 69-87]
Assari Arani, Abass
Construction The First Technical Coefficient Table in Iran (case study in Taft township) [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 111-134]
Assari Arani, Abbas
Assessing the Socio-Economic Consequences of Corona in Iran, from the Behavioral Economics Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 209-236]
Atefi, Mandana
The Impact of implementation of Health Reformation Plan on Fair Financial Contribution in Iran using Pseudo-Panel data [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 35-67]
Azadinejad, Ali
Construction The First Technical Coefficient Table in Iran (case study in Taft township) [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 111-134]
Azari, Lotfali
Investigating the Effect of Climate Change on the Growth of the Gross Domestic Product of Iran's Provinces in Different Periods of Time [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 9-39]
Azimzadeh, Mehdi
Investigating the Asymmetry of Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Expected Inflation in Iran Using NARDL Approach [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 175-196]
Azizi, Zahra
The Threshold Effect of Economic Complexity on Energy Consumption in Iran
Using Smooth Transition Regression Model [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 103-127]
Azizi, Zahra
Export Diversification and Its Environmental Effects in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 157-181]
Threshold Effects of Capital Stock in the Public Capital Productivity In the economy of the Iran Using a smooth transition regression model [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 141-161]
Badrzadeh, Fatemeh
The Effect of Term of Trade᾿s Shocks on Private Saving in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 219-241]
Bagherzadeh Azar, Fateme
Nonlinear Relationship Between Food Price Uncertainty and Food Security in Iranian Households: Evidence from GAS Modelling [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 95-116]
Bakhshi Dastjerdi, Rasul
Game theory and its role in determining optimal policies and strategic interaction between fiscal and monetary policymakers (Application of differential game theory and stackelberg games) [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 1-34]
Bakhshor, Farjad
The Effect of Financial Stress Index on Mutual Funds Returns [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 161-192]
Balounejad Nouri, Roozbeh
Testing Existence of Rational Price Bubble in foreign exchange Market of Iran: Application of sequential Unit Root Tests [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 1-20]
Balounejad Nouri, Roozbeh
Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Core Inflation on Economic Growth in Iran: Application of MIDAS Models [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 1-23]
Balounejad Nouri, Roozbeh
The Effect of Credit Policies on Income Inequality in Iran: Generalized Quantile Panel Regression Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 177-202]
Banouei, Ali Asghar
Measuring Value Added Vertical Integration Index of Economic Sectors in Tehran City [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 113-139]
Banouei, Ali Asghar
Estimation of the Economic Consequences of a Port Shutdown on National Output; The Case Study of Shahid Rajaee Port [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 79-105]
Barakchian, Seyed Mahdi
Selecting a group of leading indicators for Iran's GDP [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 1-37]
Barakchian, Seyed Mehdi
Constructing a Composite Leading Indicator for Forecasting Non-Oil GDP [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 39-71]
Barghi Oskoee, Mohammad Mahdi
The Effect of Term of Trade᾿s Shocks on Private Saving in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 219-241]
Barghi Oskooee, Mohahmadmehdi
Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2016, Pages 43-57]
Barkhordari, sajjad
Determinant Factors of Exchange Rate in Iran with Focus on Economic Sanctions [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 35-58]
Barkhordari, sajjad
Behavioral pattern of heterogeneous agent and optimal monetary policy for solving heterogeneous expectation model [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 19-47]
Barkhordari, sajjad
The Effects of Exchange Rate Shock on the Value of Selected Industries in the Tehran Stock Exchange with TVP-FAVAR Approach [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 73-109]
Barkhordari, Sajjad
Investigating the Response of Firm’s Value to Interest Rate Shock in Selected Industries of Tehran Stock Market: TVP-FAVAR Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 141-175]
Barzegar, Soheila
Investigating the Effect of Stock Market Demand Side Shock on a Selection of Macroeconomic Variables in a Randomized Dynamic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 73-105]
Barzegar Marvasti, Maryam
How Macroeconomic Variables in Iran Did Respond to Oil Sanctions: An Application of Bayesian TVP-SVAR Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 39-57]
Bavi, Masome
Investigating the Impact of Financial Development Dimensions on Income Distribution with Emphasis on Tehran Stock Exchange Data [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 223-258]
Bazazan, Fatemeh
Uncertainty of Oil Proved Reserves and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 131-153]
Bazgir, Afshin
Investigating the Impact of Wealth Tax on Income Distribution in Iran’s Economy [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 117-137]
Behnamian, Mehdi
Predicting the Dynamics of Private Sector Investment in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 147-179]
Behnia, Sohrab
Chaos theory and predict future prices in the oil products [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 109-135]
Behradmehr, Nafiseh
Forecasting of Crude Oil Price by Using Wavelet Transform, Non-Linear and Linear Models [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2013, Pages 41-62]
Beiranvand, Amin
Determinants of Property Crime in Iran
With Emphasis on Business Cycles and Social Damages [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 127-153]
Borghei, Matin
Effects of price stickiness on conditional exchange rate pass-through in Iran: A DSGE approach [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 85-115]
Boushehri, Mohamad
Analysis of the Effect of Globalization on Economic Well-Being in Iran: Emphasizing the Dimensions and Components of Globalization [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 45-80]
Chaharband, Farzaneh
Explanation of Rent- Producing channels in the Banking System in Iran using the Institutional Political Economy Approach [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 251-275]
Investigation and Forecasting of the Effects of Exchange Rate Increase on Major Macroeconomic Variables of Iran (1976-2014) [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 91-113]
Chehrazi Madreseh, Soroor
Application of the Evolutionary Game Model of Genetic Transfer to Analyze Strategic Trade Relations in Target Markets in Line
with Regional Sgreements [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 1-41]
Chenarani, Hasan
The Effect of Banking Crises on Macroeconomic Variables Within the Dsge Models Framework [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 9-38]
Cheshomi, Ali
The Study of Monetary Policy Effectiveness Under Different Climate Change Scenarios in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 103-133]
Dadashi, Leila
To Assess the effect of electronic banking development on decreasing costs of banks
(selection of private banks) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 231-255]
Daee-karimzade, Saeed
The IS Curve, the Phillips Curve and Monetary Transmission in Iran Economy [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 123-155]
Dahmardeh, Nazar
The Relationship between Money Demand Function, Performance of Monetary and Financial Policies and Forecasting the Money Demand Function in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 190-165]
Dahmardeh, Nazar
Rational Expectation House Price Bubbles in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 103-121]
Dallali Esfahani, Rahim
Game theory and its role in determining optimal policies and strategic interaction between fiscal and monetary policymakers (Application of differential game theory and stackelberg games) [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 1-34]
Dalmanpour, Mohammad
Investigating Private and Public Investment on the Growth of the Health Sector in Iran: Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 37-72]
Danesh, Hamide
A Study of Relation Between Macroeconomic Variables and Inflation Rate in Iran Using Wavelet Coherency, MODWT Wavelet and Granger Causality Method [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 9-40]
Dargahi, Hassan
Determinants of Property Crime in Iran
With Emphasis on Business Cycles and Social Damages [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 127-153]
Darvishi, Soghra
Compensatory payment to Hunters to protect biodiversity of the Fereydunknar wetland [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 221-238]
Dashti, Ghader
Identifying the effective factors on food insafety in Iranian Rural Households:Application of generalized ordered logit model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 91-125]
Davodi, Parviz
The Role of the Unproductive Sector of the Economy and Currency Crisis in Causing Inflation [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 73-101]
Davoudi, Pedram
Endogenous Firm Entry and Exit in a DSGE Model for Iran Economy [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 1-39]
Dehghan Dehnavi, Mohammad Ali
Effects of Monetary Incentives and Career Concerns on Quality of Bank Loans: Evidence from Branch Credit Committee of an Iranian Commercial Bank [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 177-213]
Dehghani, Ali
The Impact of Innovation on the Market Share of Iranian Textile and Leather Industries (Nonlinear Approach) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 63-97]
Dehghani, Ali
Causality Relationship between Research and Development Intensity and Market Structure in Iraninan Textiles industries (A Hsiao- Granger Causality in the Panel Data) [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 149-164]
Dehghani, Ali
The Impact of Economic Growth on Iranian Income Distribution, (Nonlinear LSTAR approach) [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 213-236]
Delangizan, Sohrab
Estimating and analyzing direct rebound effects from improving fuel consumption efficiency in road transportation sector of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 149-172]
Delangizan, Sohrab
Investigating the Effects of The Specific Fiscal Policies to Reduce Regional Inequality in Iran: Spatial Econometric Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 171-194]
Delangizan, Sohrab
Analyzing the Effects of Financial Decentralization on Social Capital in Iran Provinces [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 139-165]
Delfan, Mahboubeh
Investigating the effect of financial decentralization on the misery index with spatial measurement approach (Iranian provinces) [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 107-139]
Derakhshani Darabi, Kaveh
Investigation the Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Sub-Sectors Value Added in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 247-267]
Dinmohammadi, Mostafa
Dynamic simulation of the development of natural gas vehicles in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 191-227]
Dourandish, Arash
Investigate the Optimal Combination of Bank Credit Portfolios by Using Firefly Algorithm (Case Study of agricultural bank) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 53-97]
Ebadi, Jafar
Designing of Hybrid Early Warning Model of Financial Crisis in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 35-68]
Ebrahimi, Mehrzad
Real-Fiscal Linkages of Fiscal Revenue-side in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Ebrahimi, Mohsen
Providing an Export Development Model in the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry with a Logistics System-Based Approach [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 91-116]
Comparison of performance of fuzzy autoregressive integrated moving average and fuzzy neural network to forecast economic growth in Iran [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 33-52]
Ebrahimi Salari, Taghi
Investigating the effective factors on human capital accumulation in Iran in the period 1971-2012 [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 201-228]
Ebrahimpoor, Sajjad
Investigating the Effect of Government Interventions in the Iranian Capital Market: Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) Model [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 237-261]
Ehsani, Maryam
The Impact of Creative Industries on Employment Rate Using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 193-221]
Eisazadeh, Saeid
Analysis of the model "One village One product" and the formation of "clusters of non-agricultural activity" in rural areas [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 237-261]
Eisazadeh, Saeid
The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Foreign Investment Inflows of Development Countries into Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 145-170]
Ejtehadi, Samira
Real-Fiscal Linkages of Fiscal Revenue-side in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Elahi, Naser
Designing a Mechanism for Kidney Exchange in Iran [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 95-123]
Eltejaei, Ebrahim
Inflation Uncertainty, Relative Price Dispersion and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 99-135]
Eltejaei, Ebrahim
Testing of the Existence of Baumol Cost Disease in Public Education Expenditures in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 203-231]
Emami jazeh, Karim
Impact of Fiscal Policy on Private Investment in Iran and the Role of Tax Policy in That Approach DSGE [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 1-43]
Emami Meibodi, Ali
Managing Contractual Risks of Capital Applicant in Oil and Gas Upstream Development Contracts Within the Framework of Moral Hazard Model [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 111-146]
Engwerda, Jacob
Game theory and its role in determining optimal policies and strategic interaction between fiscal and monetary policymakers (Application of differential game theory and stackelberg games) [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 1-34]
Esfahani, Pourya
The effect of economic activities combination on corruption
A Case Study of Iran and OPEC countries [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 187-210]
Esfandiari, Marziyeh
Asymmetry of exchange rate pass-through shocks on import prices with an emphasis on regime change [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 215-237]
Esfandiari, Marziyeh
The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and Environmental Pollution along with Sustainable Development in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 77-107]
Esfandiari, Marziyeh
Rational Expectation House Price Bubbles in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 103-121]
Esfandiari, Marziyeh
Relative Redistribution and Investment in OPEC Countries [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 123-144]
Eslamloueyan, Karim
The Effects of Countercyclical Capital Rules on Banking Stability and Macroeconomic Dynamics in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 1-33]
Ezzati-Shourgoli, Ahmad
Investigating The Nature of Keynesian or non-Keynesian effect of fiscal policy on Private Consumption: An Application of the Asymmetric-TVAR model [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 157-183]
Fakhrehoseyni, Seyyed Fakhreddin
Significance of financial accelerators in a New Keynesian model in Iranian economy [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 215-249]
Falahati, Ali
Decomposition of the Gap of Household Electricity Expenditure Using Blinder–Oaxaca and Machado-Mata Decomposition Models [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 81-101]
Falahi, Mohammad Ali
Estimating Residential and Industrial Electricity Demand Functions of Iran, using Structural Time Series Model (STSM) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 187-208]
Falahi, Mohammad Ali
The Impact of Human Capital Dimensions on Total Factor Productivity of Production in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2016, Pages 81-106]
Falahi, Mohammad Ali
The Study of Monetary Policy Effectiveness Under Different Climate Change Scenarios in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 103-133]
Falahi, Mohammd Ali
The role of capital utilization rate in evaluating the performance of environmental policies in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Fallahi, Firouz
The Impact of Innovation on the Market Share of Iranian Textile and Leather Industries (Nonlinear Approach) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 63-97]
Fallahi, Firouz
External debt and economic growth nexus in Iran: Role of macroeconomic polices [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 99-122]
Fallahi, Firouz
The Effects of Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Variables on Iran's Banking System Fragility Using Markov-switching Model [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 83-111]
Farazmand, Hasan
Application of Melitz Model in Investigating the Role of Productivity of Cement Manufacturing Firms in Cement Exports [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 259-293]
Farazmand, Hassan
Application of the Evolutionary Game Model of Genetic Transfer to Analyze Strategic Trade Relations in Target Markets in Line
with Regional Sgreements [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 1-41]
Farhang, Amirali
The Effect of Credit Policies on Income Inequality in Iran: Generalized Quantile Panel Regression Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 177-202]
Farhang, Amirali
Analysis of the Effect of Inflation on Unemployment in the Provinces of Iran: A Spatial Econometric Approach [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 99-129]
Faridzad, Ali
Quantitive Analysis of Economic and Social Impacts of Industrial Sub-Sectors Supply Constraint Using Supply-Driven Social Accounting Matrix Mixed Approach [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 155-185]
Faryabi, Mohammad
Designing a Conceptual Model for the Internationalization of the Automobile Industry in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Farzi, Nasrin
Investigating the Impact of Preferential Trade Agreement between Iran and Turkey and Implementation of Customs Automation on Trade
Costs in Iran: Based on Dynamic GTAP Approach [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 207-239]
Farzinvash, Asdollah
Explain the relationship between economic freedom and security of Capital Formation: Evidence from emerging and developing countries. [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 245-263]
Fatahi, Shahram
The Impact of Misery Index and Corruption Control on Income Inequality
(With the Quantile Approach) [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 241-279]
Fatemi Zardan, Yaghob
The Impact of Oil Shocks on Iranian Tax Revenue Using the BVAR Model [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 129-169]
Fatemi Zardan, Yaghoub
Comparative Comparison of the Development Process and the Inequality of Provinces of the Country in the Periods of 1380, 1390, and 1395: The
Core-Periphery Approach [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 63-89]
Fathabadi, Mehdi
Long-Run and Short-Run Income Inequality Spatial Effects on Total Factor Productivity: Iran’s Provinces Evidence [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 133-158]
Fathi, Bahram
Presentation of Energy Efficiency Model in Iranian Economy Using Dynamic Optimization Approach [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 97-121]
Fathi, Bahram
The Application of the Bargaining Game Model to Efficiency Decomposition of the Two-Stage Centralized Model in Iranian Banks [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 81-108]
Fathollahi, Jamal
Institutions, a prerequisite for trade in the knowledge-based economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 87-105]
Fathollahzadeh, Amirhossein
Analysis the Asymmetric Effect of Oil's Price and Revenue on Unemployment Rate in Iran Application of Asymmetric Model (NARDL) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 23-49]
Fathpour Kashani, Reza
Prediction of Bank Deposits by Machine Learning Method [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 137-167]
Fattahi, Fahmide
Application of the Threshold Vector Autoregression Model (TVAR) in Nonlinear Analysis of Exchange Rate pass-through on Inflation in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 51-81]
Fattahi, Shahram
Testing the Easterlin Paradox in the Framework of Resource Curse Hypothesis: A Case Study of the OPEC Countries [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 1-14]
Fattahi, Shahram
Decomposition of the Gap of Household Electricity Expenditure Using Blinder–Oaxaca and Machado-Mata Decomposition Models [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 81-101]
Fattahi, Shahram
Modeling and Estimation of Uncertainty Time Series of Iran’s Private and Public Investments Using Vasicek’s Mean Reverting Stochastic Differential Equation (Period 1340-1400) [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 39-71]
Fattahi, Shahram
Investigating the Asymmetry of Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Expected Inflation in Iran Using NARDL Approach [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 175-196]
Fattahy, Mohammad
The Impact of Economic Growth on Iranian Income Distribution, (Nonlinear LSTAR approach) [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 213-236]
Flahati, Ali
Investigating the Asymmetry of Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Expected Inflation in Iran Using NARDL Approach [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 175-196]
Fotros, Mohammad hasan
The Impact of Import and Export of Low Technology Industries on Iran Economic Growth [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 195-215]
Fotros, Mohammad hassan
Effects of Subsidies Targeting on Costumers’ Welfare Equivalent Variations in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 133-149]
Fotros, Mohammad Hassan
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Informal Employment in Iran: DSGE Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 135-169]
Fotros, Mohammad Hassan
The Effect of Financial Policies on Iran’s Macroeconomic Variables: Evidence from Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregression Model [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 9-44]
Fotros, Mohammad HaSsan
Co-Movement Between Oil Price and Iranian Stock Market Returns: Wavelet Analysis Method [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 55-68]
Fotros, Mohammd hasan
Robust Determinants of Housing prices in Iran: Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 49-79]
Fotros, Mohammd Hasan
Comparative Comparison of the Development Process and the Inequality of Provinces of the Country in the Periods of 1380, 1390, and 1395: The
Core-Periphery Approach [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 63-89]
Fotros, Mohammd Hasan
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Predicting GDP and Unemployment Rate, and Their Mutual Impact on The Economy of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 107-132]
Fotros, Mohammd Hassan
Estimating the Effects of Shadow Economy on Per Capita Income: Considering and Non-Considering the Problem of Endogeneity [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 173-205]
Garshasbi, Alireza
Suggesting and Prioritizing Policy Solutions for Export Financing Development in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 173-197]
Ghaderi, Saman
The Effect of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on the Ecological Footprint in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 109-136]
Ghaemi asl, Mahdi
Study of Shock and Volatility Spillovers among Selected Indices of the Tehran Stock Exchange Using Asymmetric BEKK-GARCH Model [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 123-155]
Ghafaari, Abolfazl
Modeling Measuring the Effects of Microcredit on Social Welfare in Rural Areas
(A Case Study of Barkat Foundation's Job Creation Projects) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 71-98]
Investigation and Forecasting of the Effects of Exchange Rate Increase on Major Macroeconomic Variables of Iran (1976-2014) [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 91-113]
Ghaffari, Hadi
The Impact of Export Restrictions on Iran’s Non-oil Export With an Emphasis on Mining Sector [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 163-189]
Ghaffari, Hadi
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Iran's Export:
Using the Synthetic Control Method [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 97-127]
Ghasemi, Homa
Dynamic simulation of the development of natural gas vehicles in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 191-227]
Ghasemi, Iraj
Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2016, Pages 43-57]
Ghavam, Mohammadhossein
Designing of Hybrid Early Warning Model of Financial Crisis in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 35-68]
Gheysari, Negin
Prediction of Bank Deposits by Machine Learning Method [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 137-167]
Ghezelbash, Azam
Investigation of Optimal Transitions of Oil Revenues in different Periods of time with the Assumption of Dutch Disease in Iran through Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 41-61]
Ghobadi, Sara
The IS Curve, the Phillips Curve and Monetary Transmission in Iran Economy [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 123-155]
Gholamabri, Amir
Monetary and Currency Policies and Liquidity Risk of Commercial Banks with Emphasis on the Sanctions Period [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 131-154]
Gholami, Najmeh
Energy efficiency and the abatement cost of marginal carbon dioxide emission in Iranian cities [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 107-129]
Gholami-, Ahmad
Implementation of value added tax on bank sector in explaining Iran economic fluctuations using the approach of New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 85-110]
Gholipour, Mojtaba
Providing a Framework for Allocating Public R&D Budget to the Universities Using Robust Optimization [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 99-135]
Gholizadeh, Aliakbar
Investigating the Impact of Behavioral Factors on the Iranian Housing Price [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 241-274]
Gholizadeh, Ali Akbar
The Effect of Public Goods on Residential Mobility: Comparison all Households and High-Income Groups in Tehran, Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 219-250]
Ghorbani, Mohammad
Investigate the Optimal Combination of Bank Credit Portfolios by Using Firefly Algorithm (Case Study of agricultural bank) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 53-97]
Ghorbani, Vahid
Classifying Age of Policyholders According to the Claim Rates in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 141-175]
Ghorbani, Zanko
The Effect of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on the Ecological Footprint in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 109-136]
Gilak Hakimabadi, Mohammad Taghi
Modeling Measuring the Effects of Microcredit on Social Welfare in Rural Areas
(A Case Study of Barkat Foundation's Job Creation Projects) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 71-98]
Gobeyshavi, Abdalkhalegh
Examining the Effects of Governance on Health in Iran Using Bounds Testing Approach [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 133-150]
Gorji, Ebrahim
The Role of National Development Fund in Confrontation Oil Shocks in Iran Economy from Government Expenditure Channel by Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 57-91]
Gorji, Mahsa Gorji
Estimation of Value-at-Risk using the bootstrap resampling method (A case study of the Tehran stock exchange) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 137-164]
Habibdoust, Amir
Formation of Internal Migrant Networks An Economics Approach [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 1-27]
Habibi, Fateh
Investigating the Impact of Operational Risk on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 167-206]
Habibsoheily, habib
Analysis of The role of protecting shareholders rights in expanding stock market in a selected developing countries [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 41-62]
Hadadi Nezhadian, ghader
Calculating Single Regional Input-Output Tables by Using a New Combined FLQ-RAS Method and Employment Multipliers; the Case Study of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 1-33]
Hadian, Ebrahim
The effects of Fiscal Policy Uncertainty on Private Investment in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 91-110]
Hadian, Ebrahim
The Effects of Countercyclical Capital Rules on Banking Stability and Macroeconomic Dynamics in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 1-33]
Hadidi, Morvarid
An Estimation of the Tax Evasion by Tanzi Method and Analysis the Effect of Fiscal Instruments [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 83-108]
Hafezi, Bahar
The Impact of Natural Resources Economic’s Dependence and Institutional Quality on Health in Iran (A Comparison Between Several Developed and Developing Oil Exporting Countries) [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 215-245]
Haghighat, Jafar
Estimate time series of human capital based on average years of schooling (A case study of Iran, 1978-2013) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 131-150]
Haghighat, Jafar
Estimation of Fiscal Illusion Index in Iranian Provinces: Approach of Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 173-208]
Hajamini, Mehdi
Analysis of the role of importing partners in the vulnerability of Iran’s inflation: Evidence from global vector error-correcting model (GVECM) [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 131-154]
Hajamini, Mehdi
Income Inequality and the Share of Value Added of Industries: The Role of Production Factors Intensity in Iran’s Economy
Shahin Keshavarz Rezaei [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 41-71]
Haji, Gholamali
The effect of the factors affecting the size of government in the provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 55-80]
Haji, Gholamali
Significance of financial accelerators in a New Keynesian model in Iranian economy [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 215-249]
Haji, Gholamali
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Informal Employment in Iran: DSGE Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 135-169]
Haji, Gholamali
Predicting the Dynamics of Private Sector Investment in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 147-179]
Haji, Gholamali
Estimating the Effects of Shadow Economy on Per Capita Income: Considering and Non-Considering the Problem of Endogeneity [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 173-205]
Haji, Majid
The Effects of Financialization on the Physical Investment of Non-Financial Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange Over 1388-1398 Used Multilevel Panel Data [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 47-78]
Hajian, Mohammah Mahdi
Managing Contractual Risks of Capital Applicant in Oil and Gas Upstream Development Contracts Within the Framework of Moral Hazard Model [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 111-146]
Hasanvand, Daryosh
Evaluation of the structural shocks effect on production instability in the Iranian economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 57-85]
Heidari, Ebrahim
Investigating the Effect of Energy Carrier Prices on the Investment of Iranian Industrial Enterprises [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 43-71]
Heidari, Hassan
How Macroeconomic Variables in Iran Did Respond to Oil Sanctions: An Application of Bayesian TVP-SVAR Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 39-57]
Heidari, Kioumars
Location Optimization of small-scale power plant [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 81-96]
Heidari, Mehdi
Providing an Export Development Model in the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industry with a Logistics System-Based Approach [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 91-116]
Heidarpour, Ali
The Effect of Income Inequality and Relative Poverty line on Durable Goods Purchasing Power [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 99-133]
Heydari, Hasan
The Effect of Banking Crises on Macroeconomic Variables Within the Dsge Models Framework [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 9-38]
Heydari, Hassan
Study of Shock and Volatility Spillovers among Selected Indices of the Tehran Stock Exchange Using Asymmetric BEKK-GARCH Model [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 123-155]
Heydari, Hassan
Effects of Monetary Incentives and Career Concerns on Quality of Bank Loans: Evidence from Branch Credit Committee of an Iranian Commercial Bank [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 177-213]
Heydari, Hassan
The Optimal Ramsey Monetary Policy in The Form of DSGE Model Appropriate to Oil-Exporting Country (The Case of Iran) [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 9-46]
Heydari, Hassan
Study of Exchange Market Pressure and the Central Bank’s Direct Intervention in Exchange Market in Periods of Shortage and Abundance of Oil Revenues [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 1-37]
Heydari, Kioumars
Ranking of CCHP system implementation in Tehran in terms of qualitative and quantitative criteria [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 89-109]
Heydari, Reza
Examining the Pattern of Food Consumption and its Influencing Factors in Urban Areas of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 95-121]
Heydari Fathabadi, Ali
Examining the Effects of Governance on Health in Iran Using Bounds Testing Approach [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 133-150]
Homayounifar, Masoud
Adverse selection Test in Iran's Basic Health Insurance Market [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 93-111]
Hosseini, Elham
The Interactions of Instability of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the Iranian Economy by the MSVAR Approach [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 169-199]
Hosseini, Sayed Shamsedin
Impact of Fiscal Policy on Private Investment in Iran and the Role of Tax Policy in That Approach DSGE [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 1-43]
Hosseini, Seyedeh Mahboobeh
The Dependence of Stock Market Bubbles on Monetary Policy Shocks: TVP-VAR Approach [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 41-71]
Hosseinidoust, Ehsan
Investigating Interactions among Health Care Indicators, Income Inequality and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 69-94]
Hosseinidoust, Seyed Ehsan
Investigating the Impact of Globalization and Corruption on Government Size [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 129-159]
Hosseynali, Farhad
The Effect of Public Goods on Residential Mobility: Comparison all Households and High-Income Groups in Tehran, Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 219-250]
Houshmand, Mahmoud
The Role of National Development Fund in Confrontation Oil Shocks in Iran Economy from Government Expenditure Channel by Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 57-91]
Intezar, Aburaihan
Determinants of Fossil Energy Demand in Iran's Manufacturing Sector [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 177-193]
Intezar, Aburaihan
Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Economic Growth:
Evidence from Selected Islamic State Countries [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 117-131]
Isazadeh, saeed
Study of the Relation of Minimum Wage on Poverty in IRAN [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 121-143]
Isazadeh, Saeed
The Evaluation of the Free Trade Zones Effects on Provincial Value-Added Using the Synthetic Control Method [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 207-240]
Izadi, Hamid Reza
The Relationship between Money Demand Function, Performance of Monetary and Financial Policies and Forecasting the Money Demand Function in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 190-165]
Jabajameli, Farkhonde
Performance of ARIMA and Neural Network GMDH approaches in prediction of natural gas demand in various sectors (Iran-1380-1389) [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 33-58]
Jabari, Leyla
Investigation of the Effect of Natural Disasters on Household Consumption Patterns in Iran Using a Difference-in-Difference Model [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 47-82]
Jafari, Hossein
The Relationship Between the Government’s Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions During the Period of the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus and the Iran Stock Market: The Role of Public Vaccination [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 169-199]
Jafari, Mohammad
The Impact of Misery Index and Corruption Control on Income Inequality
(With the Quantile Approach) [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 241-279]
Jafarimehr, Esmaeil
Effects of Monetary Incentives and Career Concerns on Quality of Bank Loans: Evidence from Branch Credit Committee of an Iranian Commercial Bank [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 177-213]
Jafari samimi, Ahmad
Evaluation of monetary policy in terms of exchange rate shock, MDSGE approach: The case of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 1-34]
Jafari Samimi, Ahmad
Asymmetric Effect of Divisia Monetary Aggregates on Inflation in Iran: Bayesian Approach of Markov Switching Method [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 1-25]
Jafari Samimi, Ahmad
Investigating the possibility of forming a common monetary union between Member and Observer states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization using Global Vector Auto Regression model GVAR [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 33-65]
Jafari Seresht, Davood
A Survey on the Complex Aspects of COVID-19 in Pleasure and Commercial Touristic Destinations: A Comparative Case Study in Business Level [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 151-174]
Jafari Seresht, Davood
The Impact of Islamic Financial Development on Income Inequality in Selected Countries: A Spatial Panel Data Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 123-171]
Jafari Seresht, Davood
The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Foreign Investment Inflows of Development Countries into Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 145-170]
Jafari Tadi, Maryam
The Impact of Natural Resources Economic’s Dependence and Institutional Quality on Health in Iran (A Comparison Between Several Developed and Developing Oil Exporting Countries) [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 215-245]
Jahanfar, Niloofar
Measuring Value Added Vertical Integration Index of Economic Sectors in Tehran City [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 113-139]
Jahangard, Esfandiar
Construction The First Technical Coefficient Table in Iran (case study in Taft township) [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 111-134]
Jahangard, Fatemeh
Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Core Inflation on Economic Growth in Iran: Application of MIDAS Models [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 1-23]
Jahangiri, Khalil
The effect of property rights and political risk to attract foreign direct investment using with PVAR approach [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 115-144]
Jahangiri, Shahab
The Impact of Monetary Policy on Herding Behavior in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 101-132]
Jahangiri, Shahab
The Effect of Financial Stress Index on Mutual Funds Returns [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 161-192]
Jahanian, Sahar
Testing of the Existence of Baumol Cost Disease in Public Education Expenditures in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 203-231]
Jalaee, Abdulmajid
The effect of productivity shocks of Shanghai group countries on investment and employment in Iran's oil and gas sector with multi-region Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 35-51]
Jalaee, Syed Abdulmajid
Modeling exchange rate behavior in Iran using random differential equations: Merton model and NGARCH Approach [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 1-21]
Jalaee Esfandabadi, Seyyed Abdol Majid
Energy efficiency and the abatement cost of marginal carbon dioxide emission in Iranian cities [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 107-129]
Jalaee Esfandabadi, Seyyed Abdol Majid
The Role of Productivity, Monetary Shocks and Non-Traded Goods
on Exchange Shocks in Iran (by using of a DSGE model approach ) [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 191-213]
Jalali, Mahsa
Investigating of Volatility Spillover among Energy Carriers Price Index and Price Index of Various Chosen Groups of Goods and Consumer Services Using VAR_BEKK GARCH Model [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 43-73]
Jalali-naini, Ahmadreza
Endogenous Firm Entry and Exit in a DSGE Model for Iran Economy [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 1-39]
Jalili, Hosein
Determinant Factors of Exchange Rate in Iran with Focus on Economic Sanctions [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 35-58]
Jalilikamjo, Seyed Parviz
The Effect of Income Inequality and Relative Poverty line on Durable Goods Purchasing Power [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 99-133]
Jalili Kamjoo, Seyed Parviz
Evaluation of the structural shocks effect on production instability in the Iranian economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 57-85]
Jalilikamju, Seyyed Parviz
Analysis of Null Hypothesis of Education and Poverty in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-42]
Investigation and Forecasting of the Effects of Exchange Rate Increase on Major Macroeconomic Variables of Iran (1976-2014) [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 91-113]
Jamali, Leila
The Impact of the OPEC Summit on Iran's Oil Revenue (SVAR-Quantile Hybrid Model Approach) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 235-265]
Jandaghi, Fereshteh
Investigating the effective factors on human capital accumulation in Iran in the period 1971-2012 [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 201-228]
Javaheri, Bakhtiar
Asymmetric Effects of Housing Price on Iran Stock Market Participation: Quantile Regression Approach [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 39-69]
Javan, Afshin
Performance of ARIMA and Neural Network GMDH approaches in prediction of natural gas demand in various sectors (Iran-1380-1389) [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 33-58]
Javdan, Ebrahim
Examining the Pattern of Food Consumption and its Influencing Factors in Urban Areas of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 95-121]
Jozmaleki, Mehrdad
Chaos theory and predict future prices in the oil products [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 109-135]
Kalami, Mohammad
Investigating the Effect of Government Interventions in the Iranian Capital Market: Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) Model [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 237-261]
Kamali Dehkordi, Parvaneh
Examining the Effects of Governance on Health in Iran Using Bounds Testing Approach [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 133-150]
Karami, Fardinّّ
Comparison of the Effect of Subsidies Targeted Policy of Oil and Gas Manufactured on Growth of the Industry, Agriculture and Services Sectors [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 221-242]
Karami, Samira
Investigating the possibility of forming a common monetary union between Member and Observer states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization using Global Vector Auto Regression model GVAR [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 33-65]
Karami Khoramabadi, Hooman
The Investigation of Price Setting Models Compatible With the Economy of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 1-29]
Karimi, Alireza
Modeling Measuring the Effects of Microcredit on Social Welfare in Rural Areas
(A Case Study of Barkat Foundation's Job Creation Projects) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 71-98]
Karimi, Maedeh
Virtual Water Trade between Iran and CIS [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 109-134]
Karimi, Mohammad Sharif
Introduction and Calculation of the physical production function for the Iran economy [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 145-166]
Karimi, Nasrin
Analyzing the Effects of Financial Decentralization on Social Capital in Iran Provinces [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 139-165]
Karimi moghari, Zahra
Analysis of the Effective Factors on the Probability of Household Poverty in Iran with Emphasis on Type of Occupation [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 89-121]
Karimi Sakrabad, Maryam
Identification of Superior Data and their Impact on the Statistical Reliability of the Regional Input-Output Table Using the New Mixed CHARM-RAS Method [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 167-193]
Karimi Takanlou, zahra
Estimation of Fiscal Illusion Index in Iranian Provinces: Approach of Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 173-208]
Kasraee Nezhad, Masoud
Location Optimization of small-scale power plant [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 81-96]
Kasraee Nezhad, Masoud
Ranking of CCHP system implementation in Tehran in terms of qualitative and quantitative criteria [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 89-109]
Kazemi, Mirali
Investigating the Relationship between Exchange Rate and Interest Rate in Iran's Economy: A Wavelet Coherence Approach [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 137-172]
Kekha, Ahmad ali
Compensatory payment to Hunters to protect biodiversity of the Fereydunknar wetland [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 221-238]
Keshavarz, Hadi
Monetary Policy in a Financial Accelerator Models with Sticky Price and Wage [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 227-247]
Keshavarz Rezaei, Shahin
Income Inequality and the Share of Value Added of Industries: The Role of Production Factors Intensity in Iran’s Economy
Shahin Keshavarz Rezaei [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 41-71]
Khademvatani, Asgar
Forecasting Electricity Demand in Iran: The application of a Hybrid Dynamic Partial Adjustment and ARIMA Model [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 177-199]
Khalili Araghi, Mansour
Behavioral pattern of heterogeneous agent and optimal monetary policy for solving heterogeneous expectation model [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 19-47]
Khanzadi, Azad
Estimating and analyzing direct rebound effects from improving fuel consumption efficiency in road transportation sector of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 149-172]
Khanzadi, Azad
Analyzing the Effects of Financial Decentralization on Social Capital in Iran Provinces [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 139-165]
Khdaverdizadeh, Mohammad
Investigating the Effect of Government Interventions in the Iranian Capital Market: Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) Model [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 237-261]
Khezri, Mohsen
The Impact of Islamic Financial Development on Income Inequality in Selected Countries: A Spatial Panel Data Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 123-171]
Analyzing the Effects of Reducing Energy Subsidies on Income Distribution in Iran by a Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 19-41]
Khochiany, Ramin
Investigating the Relationship between Exchange Rate and Interest Rate in Iran's Economy: A Wavelet Coherence Approach [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 137-172]
Khodabakhshi, Akbar
Investigation of the Tax Income and Oil Revenues on Health Expenditure in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 255-275]
Khodabakhshi, Akbar
Investigating Interactions among Health Care Indicators, Income Inequality and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 69-94]
Khodadadi, Farideh
Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact of Government Expenditure in the Full-Reserve Banking: DSGE Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 9-45]
Khodadad Kashi, Farhad
The Impact of Innovation on the Market Share of Iranian Textile and Leather Industries (Nonlinear Approach) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 63-97]
Comparison of performance of fuzzy autoregressive integrated moving average and fuzzy neural network to forecast economic growth in Iran [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 33-52]
Khodaparast, Mahdi
The impact of various combinations of corruption on attracting capital in developing countries Parallel with Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 155-175]
Khodaparast Mashhad, Mahdi
An Analysis of cost function two-product firm: Case Study Water and Wastewater Company Markazi Province [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 193-217]
Khodaparast mashhadi, Mehdi
Adverse selection Test in Iran's Basic Health Insurance Market [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 93-111]
Khodaparast Mashhadi, Mahdi
Investigation of Optimal Transitions of Oil Revenues in different Periods of time with the Assumption of Dutch Disease in Iran through Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 41-61]
Khodavaisi, Hasan
The relationship between the exchange rate, inflation and interest rates under Fisher's theories approach for Iran [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 199-221]
Khodavaisi, Hassan
Investigating The Nature of Keynesian or non-Keynesian effect of fiscal policy on Private Consumption: An Application of the Asymmetric-TVAR model [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 157-183]
Khodaverdizadeh, Saber
Investigating the Effect of Government Interventions in the Iranian Capital Market: Non-linear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) Model [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 237-261]
Khorsandzak, Mohammad
The Application of the Bargaining Game Model to Efficiency Decomposition of the Two-Stage Centralized Model in Iranian Banks [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 81-108]
Khosheh Gol Garusi, Masomeh
Analysis of the Effect of Government Budget Imbalance on Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 73-105]
Khoshkalam Khosroshahi, Musa
A Computable General Equilibrium Model for the Decomposition of the Energy Carriers Rebound Effect in the Iranian Economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 131-157]
Khosravinejad, Ali Akbar
Assessment of Credit Channel on Output During Recession and Boom Period in Iran's Economy [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 31-55]
Khosrosereshki, Mohammadhavad
The Optimal Ramsey Monetary Policy in The Form of DSGE Model Appropriate to Oil-Exporting Country (The Case of Iran) [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 9-46]
Khosrosereshki, Mohammad Jhavad
Study of Exchange Market Pressure and the Central Bank’s Direct Intervention in Exchange Market in Periods of Shortage and Abundance of Oil Revenues [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 1-37]
Kiaalhoseini, Seyed Ziaoddin
Nominal Feedback Rules in Iranian Monetary Policy: An Investigation of the McCallum Rule [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 1-25]
Kiani, Asma
Investigating the Impact of Globalization and Corruption on Government Size [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 129-159]
Comparison of performance of fuzzy autoregressive integrated moving average and fuzzy neural network to forecast economic growth in Iran [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 33-52]
Komijani, Akbar
Analysis of The role of protecting shareholders rights in expanding stock market in a selected developing countries [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 41-62]
Komijani, Akbar
Nominal Feedback Rules in Iranian Monetary Policy: An Investigation of the McCallum Rule [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 1-25]
Kordzangeneh, Nahid
Investigating and Comparing the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Economies of Iran and Turkey using (DSGE) Method [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 177-217]
Laal khezri, Hamid
Dynamic Correlation of Exchange Rate, Export and Import Volatility with The Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index (Application of M-GARRCH and DCC Approach) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 135-167]
Lalkhezri, Hamid
The Relationship between Economic Complexity and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Iran Using NARDL Model [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 251-277]
Lotfalipour, Mohammad Reza
Estimating Residential and Industrial Electricity Demand Functions of Iran, using Structural Time Series Model (STSM) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 187-208]
Maaboudi, Reza
The Effect of the Industry Sector's Value-Added on Employment of Iranian Provinces: A SemiParametric Panel Data َApproach [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 211-235]
Maaboudi, Reza
Co-Movement Between Oil Price and Iranian Stock Market Returns: Wavelet Analysis Method [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 55-68]
Mahmoudzadeh, Mahmoud
Monetary and Currency Policies and Liquidity Risk of Commercial Banks with Emphasis on the Sanctions Period [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 131-154]
Majed, Vahid
Optimal Asset Allocation of Portfolio of Banking System in Different Conditions of Iranian Economy (Case Study of Tejarat Bank) [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 155-173]
Mamipour, Siab
Measurement of Environmental Performance of Iranian Electric Power Companies (In the context of Contemporaneous and Sequential Frontiers of Slack-Based Measures and Directional Distance Functions) [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 211-240]
Mamipour, Siab
Investigating of Volatility Spillover among Energy Carriers Price Index and Price Index of Various Chosen Groups of Goods and Consumer Services Using VAR_BEKK GARCH Model [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 43-73]
Mamipour, Siab
Dynamics of Oil Price Pass-Through into Iran’s Domestic Prices Index over Time [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 225-253]
Manochehri, Salaheddin
Asymmetric Effects of Housing Price on Iran Stock Market Participation: Quantile Regression Approach [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 39-69]
Mansouri, Sayed Amin
Investigating the Impact of Financial Development Dimensions on Income Distribution with Emphasis on Tehran Stock Exchange Data [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 223-258]
Mansouri, Sayed Amin
A Study of Relation Between Macroeconomic Variables and Inflation Rate in Iran Using Wavelet Coherency, MODWT Wavelet and Granger Causality Method [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 9-40]
Manteqipour, Mahnaz
Classifying Age of Policyholders According to the Claim Rates in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 141-175]
Mashhadizadeh, Fatemeh
Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Pass-through Degree in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 25-55]
Massahi, Sharareh
Investigating Interactions among Health Care Indicators, Income Inequality and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 69-94]
Analyzing the Effects of Reducing Energy Subsidies on Income Distribution in Iran by a Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 19-41]
Mehdiloo, Ali
Estimation Non-Linearity Effect of Rent Seeking Opportunities on Volume of Private Sector Bank Deposits in Iranian Economy: Using Markov-Switching Model [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 265-294]
Mehranfard, zahra
Assessing the Socio-Economic Consequences of Corona in Iran, from the Behavioral Economics Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 209-236]
Mehrara, Mohsen
Nonlinear Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Economic Growth Based on STR Approach: the Case of Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 1-39]
Mehrara, Mohsen
Estimation of Effective Components on the Preferences of Tehran Citizens to Choose “Car-Free City Center” Using a Random-Parameter Logit Model [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 107-140]
Mehregan, Nader
Oil Shock, Monetary Policy and Collateral Effect in Iranian Economy [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 27-51]
Mehrjouirani, Mahtab
The role of capital utilization rate in evaluating the performance of environmental policies in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Mehrzad, Moslem
Investigating and Proposing Effective Methods for Investment and Financing in Iran’s Oil Production [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 73-98]
Mirhoseiny, Farsad
Estimating Allocation efficiency of Energy Inputs in Agricultural, Industry, and Services [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 223-255]
Mirjalili, Fatemeh
VAT Tax Expenditure and Compliance Gap in Iran: A Regional Analysis over 1388-1394 [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 171-201]
Mirjalili, Seyed Hossein
Effect of Credit Easing Policy on Recovery of Iran’s Economy: Stochastic Dynamic General Equilibrium Model Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 9-37]
Miry, Ayoub
The Evaluation of the Free Trade Zones Effects on Provincial Value-Added Using the Synthetic Control Method [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 207-240]
Mirzaei, Esmaeil
Determinants of Loan Portfolio Quality in Banking System of Iran: Dynamic Panel Data Approach [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 81-108]
Mirzaei, Hojatollah
Measuring Value Added Vertical Integration Index of Economic Sectors in Tehran City [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 113-139]
Modiri, Atoosa
The Effect of Public Goods on Residential Mobility: Comparison all Households and High-Income Groups in Tehran, Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 219-250]
Moghaddasi, reza
Effect of Energy Price on Cereal Price Using Mixed Data Sampling Regression Models (Generalized OLS-based ARDL Approach) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 149-160]
Mohajeri, Parisa
Measuring Value Added Vertical Integration Index of Economic Sectors in Tehran City [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 113-139]
Mohajeri, Parisa
VAT Tax Expenditure and Compliance Gap in Iran: A Regional Analysis over 1388-1394 [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 171-201]
Mohajeri, Parisa
Estimation of the Economic Consequences of a Port Shutdown on National Output; The Case Study of Shahid Rajaee Port [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 79-105]
Mohajeri, Parisa
Measuring the Effect of Goods Exemptions on the Gini Coefficients and the Degree of Regressiveness of Value Added Tax; A Comparison between the Value Added Tax Low of 2008 and its Amendments in 2020 [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 45-71]
Mohamadzadeh, Parviz
Simulation and Prediction of Iran's Exports Using the PSO Algorithm to Achieve the Objectives of the Twenty Years Vision Document
(Case Study: Comparison with Turkish Economy) [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 69-87]
Mohammadi, Elham
The impact of financial system on economic growth in Iran: Markov- Switching approach [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 195-221]
Mohammadi, Maboud
An Analysis of Financial Corruption Index (FCI) in Iran Through Deprivation Theory [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 155-179]
Mohammadi, Mohammad Hasan
Managing Contractual Risks of Capital Applicant in Oil and Gas Upstream Development Contracts Within the Framework of Moral Hazard Model [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 111-146]
Mohammadi, Shapour
Designing of Hybrid Early Warning Model of Financial Crisis in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 35-68]
Mohammadi, Teymoor
The Effects of Financialization on the Physical Investment of Non-Financial Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange Over 1388-1398 Used Multilevel Panel Data [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 47-78]
Mohammadi, Teymour
The Dependence of Stock Market Bubbles on Monetary Policy Shocks: TVP-VAR Approach [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 41-71]
Mohammadpoor, Siavash
Application of the Threshold Vector Autoregression Model (TVAR) in Nonlinear Analysis of Exchange Rate pass-through on Inflation in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 51-81]
Mohammad Sadeghi, Leila
Inflation and Economic Growth in Middle East Countries; A Threshold Panel Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 159-179]
Mohammad zadeh, Parviz
Designing a Conceptual Model for the Internationalization of the Automobile Industry in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Mohammadzadeh, Amir
Optimization of Modern Electricity Supply Chain with NSGA-II [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 63-90]
Mohammadzadeh, Yousef
The effect of property rights and political risk to attract foreign direct investment using with PVAR approach [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 115-144]
Mohammadzadeh, Yousof
The impact of financial system on economic growth in Iran: Markov- Switching approach [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 195-221]
Mohebbi, Mohammad
Estimation of Non-Market Value of Qeshm Hara Forest Using the Approach Selection Modeling [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 233-261]
Mohseni, Hadiseh
Effect of Credit Easing Policy on Recovery of Iran’s Economy: Stochastic Dynamic General Equilibrium Model Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 9-37]
Mohtashami, Sara
The Impact of Oil Shocks on Iranian Tax Revenue Using the BVAR Model [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 129-169]
Mohtashami, Sara
The Effect of Financial Policies on Iran’s Macroeconomic Variables: Evidence from Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregression Model [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 9-44]
Momeni, Farshad
Explanation of Rent- Producing channels in the Banking System in Iran using the Institutional Political Economy Approach [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 251-275]
Analysis of the barriers for innovation policy-making effectiveness in Iran: an Institutional Approach [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 73-89]
Montazar-Hojat, Amir Hossein
The Pattern of Long-Term Volatility Transferring to the Industry Sector in the Tehran Stock Exchange Using the Mixed Data Model
(GARCH-MIDAS Approach) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 73-95]
Montazer-Hojat, Amir Hossein
Investigating the Effect of Stock Market Demand Side Shock on a Selection of Macroeconomic Variables in a Randomized Dynamic General Equilibrium Model [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 73-105]
Moradi, Fatemeh
The Impact of Misery Index and Corruption Control on Income Inequality
(With the Quantile Approach) [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 241-279]
Mortazavi, Seied Abolghasem
Estimating the Amount of Compensatory Payment as a Result of Changes in Energy Prices in the Field of Urban Drinking Water Consumers [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 203-221]
Mosavi, Seyed Nematollah
Economic-Environmental Analysis of Adoption of Green Tax Policy in Iran with Calculable General Balance Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 195-218]
Optimal rate of unemployment in Iran: Dynamic Optimization Approach [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 117-136]
Mostafazadeh, Mohammad
The Role of the Unproductive Sector of the Economy and Currency Crisis in Causing Inflation [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 73-101]
Motafakerazad, Mohammad ali
Simulation and Prediction of Iran's Exports Using the PSO Algorithm to Achieve the Objectives of the Twenty Years Vision Document
(Case Study: Comparison with Turkish Economy) [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 69-87]
Motafakerazad, Mohammadali
Nonlinear Relationship Between Food Price Uncertainty and Food Security in Iranian Households: Evidence from GAS Modelling [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 95-116]
Motafakerazad, Mohammadali
Estimation of Fiscal Illusion Index in Iranian Provinces: Approach of Multiple Indicators and Multiple Causes (MIMIC) Model [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 173-208]
Motameni, Mani
Estimation of Tax Evasion in Iranian Manufacture Industries [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 159-173]
Motazerhojat, Amir Hossein
Investigating and Comparing the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Economies of Iran and Turkey using (DSGE) Method [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 177-217]
Mousavi, Mir Hossein
The Impact of implementation of Health Reformation Plan on Fair Financial Contribution in Iran using Pseudo-Panel data [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 35-67]
Mousavi, Seyed Nematollah
The Impact of the OPEC Summit on Iran's Oil Revenue (SVAR-Quantile Hybrid Model Approach) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 235-265]
The effects of household characteristics on consumer spending application of pseudo-panel data modeling [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 1-12]
Mousavi Jahromi, Yeganeh
The Impact of Business Cycles on Banking System Soundness (With emphasis on Asset Quality) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 15-37]
Mowlaee, Mohammad
Determinants of Fossil Energy Demand in Iran's Manufacturing Sector [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 177-193]
Mowlaei, Mohammad
Foreign Direct Investment Inflows and Economic Growth:
Evidence from Selected Islamic State Countries [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 117-131]
Mozaffari, Zana
Asymmetric Effects of Housing Price on Iran Stock Market Participation: Quantile Regression Approach [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 39-69]
Mozaffari, Zana
The Effect of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on the Ecological Footprint in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 109-136]
Mozayani, Amirhossein
Assessing the Socio-Economic Consequences of Corona in Iran, from the Behavioral Economics Perspective [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 209-236]
Nademi, Younes
The Interactions of Instability of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the Iranian Economy by the MSVAR Approach [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 169-199]
Nademi, Younes
Investigating the Relationship between Exchange Rate and Interest Rate in Iran's Economy: A Wavelet Coherence Approach [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 137-172]
Nademi, Younes
Inflation and Economic Growth in Middle East Countries; A Threshold Panel Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 159-179]
NaderiMahdei, Karim
Optimal Cropping Pattern In Bahar County [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 167-184]
Nadri, Saba
Investigation of the Tax Income and Oil Revenues on Health Expenditure in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 255-275]
Naeini, Hadi
The Impact of Bilateral Investment Treaties on Foreign Investment Inflows of Development Countries into Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 145-170]
Nahvi, Abouzar
Investigate the Optimal Combination of Bank Credit Portfolios by Using Firefly Algorithm (Case Study of agricultural bank) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 53-97]
Najafi, Seyyed Mohammad Bagher
Institutions, a prerequisite for trade in the knowledge-based economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 87-105]
Najafi Alamdarlo, ;Hamed
Estimating the Amount of Compensatory Payment as a Result of Changes in Energy Prices in the Field of Urban Drinking Water Consumers [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 203-221]
Najafi Alamdarlo, Hamed
Wheat self-sufficiency effects on the flow of virtual water trade in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 63-79]
Najafian, Somaie
Estimating the Effects of Shadow Economy on Per Capita Income: Considering and Non-Considering the Problem of Endogeneity [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 173-205]
Najafi Ziarani, Fateme
Constructing a Composite Leading Indicator for Forecasting Non-Oil GDP [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 39-71]
Najafzadeh, Behnam
Measurement of Environmental Performance of Iranian Electric Power Companies (In the context of Contemporaneous and Sequential Frontiers of Slack-Based Measures and Directional Distance Functions) [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 211-240]
Najarghabel, Somayeh
Investigating The Nature of Keynesian or non-Keynesian effect of fiscal policy on Private Consumption: An Application of the Asymmetric-TVAR model [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 157-183]
Najarzadeh, Reza
The Optimal Ramsey Monetary Policy in The Form of DSGE Model Appropriate to Oil-Exporting Country (The Case of Iran) [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 9-46]
Najarzadeh, Reza
Study of Exchange Market Pressure and the Central Bank’s Direct Intervention in Exchange Market in Periods of Shortage and Abundance of Oil Revenues [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 1-37]
Naji Meidani, Ali Akbar
Investigating the Effect of Climate Change on the Growth of the Gross Domestic Product of Iran's Provinces in Different Periods of Time [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 9-39]
Nasiri Aghdam, Ali
The Effects of Financialization on the Physical Investment of Non-Financial Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange Over 1388-1398 Used Multilevel Panel Data [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 47-78]
Nasiroleslami, Ebrahim
Prediction of Bank Deposits by Machine Learning Method [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 137-167]
Nasrindoost, Maysam
The Study of Monetary Policy Effectiveness Under Different Climate Change Scenarios in Iran [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 103-133]
Nasrindoost, Tayebeh
Impact of Fiscal Policy on Private Investment in Iran and the Role of Tax Policy in That Approach DSGE [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 1-43]
Nasrnejad Nesheli, Sahar
Analysis of the Effect of Government Budget Imbalance on Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 73-105]
Nassiri Aghdam, Ali
VAT Tax Expenditure and Compliance Gap in Iran: A Regional Analysis over 1388-1394 [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 171-201]
Nazarian, Rafik
Assessment of Credit Channel on Output During Recession and Boom Period in Iran's Economy [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 31-55]
Nazemi moezabadi, Sima
Estimating Residential and Industrial Electricity Demand Functions of Iran, using Structural Time Series Model (STSM) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 187-208]
Nejati, Mehdi
Investigating the Impact of Preferential Trade Agreement between Iran and Turkey and Implementation of Customs Automation on Trade
Costs in Iran: Based on Dynamic GTAP Approach [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 207-239]
Nemati, Gholamreza
Robust Determinants of Housing prices in Iran: Bayesian Averaging of Classical Estimates (BACE) [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 49-79]
Nikpey Pesyan, Vahid
Analysis of the Effect of Inflation on Unemployment in the Provinces of Iran: A Spatial Econometric Approach [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 99-129]
Underground Economy and its causes: a Case Study of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 53-72]
Nikzad Hoseini, S eyed Mahdi
Economic Valuation of Electricity Input in Iranian Energy-Intensive Industries [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 133-160]
Nonejad, Masoud
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Pro Poor Growth in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 227-251]
Noori Broujerdi, Peyman
The Impact of Business Cycles on Banking System Soundness (With emphasis on Asset Quality) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 15-37]
Norozi, Mitra
Analysis of the Effect of Government Budget Imbalance on Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 73-105]
Omidali, Mostafa
Forecasting Electricity Demand in Iran: The application of a Hybrid Dynamic Partial Adjustment and ARIMA Model [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 177-199]
Ostadzad, Ali
Optimal Income Tax Rate With and Without Environmental Considerations [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 1-25]
Ostadzad, Ali Hossein
The Iranian Government's Budget Deficit Analysis By Artificial Neural Network Simulation [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2013, Pages 19-40]
Ostadzad, Ali Hossein
Calculate the Steady-State Production Trajectory for Iranian Economy
(An Approach of endogenous Growth Model With CES Production Function) [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 141-171]
Ostadzad, Ali Hossein
The Impact of Population Growth on Economic Growth with the Assumption of Simultaneous Endogeneity of Population and Technology [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 9-38]
Pahlavani, Mosayeb
The Role of Human Capital in Economic Growth, Energy Consumption and Environmental Pollution along with Sustainable Development in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 77-107]
Pahlavani, Mosayeb
Effect of Credit Easing Policy on Recovery of Iran’s Economy: Stochastic Dynamic General Equilibrium Model Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 9-37]
Pahlavani, Mossayeb
Saving, Investment and Economic Growth in Iran: Results from ARDL Model and Cointegration approach with Structural Breaks [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 201-225]
Investigation on importance of relative consumption and risk aversion in consumption expenditures of Iranian households by GMM approach [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 13-31]
Panahi, Hossein
Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2016, Pages 43-57]
Parsa, Paria
Decomposition of Environmental Total Factor Productivity Growth Using Distance Function in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2016, Pages 1-24]
Parsa, Somayeh
Rational Expectation House Price Bubbles in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 103-121]
Parsaian, Mohammad
Estimation of Demand Function for Household Leisure Time in Urban Areas of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 75-93]
Pashaie, Reza
Designing a Conceptual Model for the Internationalization of the Automobile Industry in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Paykarjou, Kambiz
Impact of Fiscal Policy on Private Investment in Iran and the Role of Tax Policy in That Approach DSGE [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 1-43]
Pedram, Mehdi
Assessment of Credit Channel on Output During Recession and Boom Period in Iran's Economy [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 31-55]
Piraee, Khosrow
Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Pass-through Degree in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 25-55]
Piraee, Khosrow
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Pro Poor Growth in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 227-251]
Pishbahar, Esmaeil
Identifying the effective factors on food insafety in Iranian Rural Households:Application of generalized ordered logit model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 91-125]
Estimation of Monetary Value of Functions and Services in Marakan Protected Area with Choice Experiment Method [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 267-290]
Pouralimardan, Mohaddeseh
Evaluation of Projection bias in People’s Beliefs and Intentions Under the Influence of Temperature Changes (With Behavioral Economics Approach) [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 39-61]
Pourbadollahan Covich, Mohsen
Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2016, Pages 43-57]
Pourebadollahan Covich, Mohsen
The Impact of Innovation on the Market Share of Iranian Textile and Leather Industries (Nonlinear Approach) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 63-97]
Pourebadollahan Covich, Mohsen
The Effects of Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Variables on Iran's Banking System Fragility Using Markov-switching Model [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 83-111]
PourebadollahanCovich, mohsen
The Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Iran's GDP Growth A Markov Model Analysis [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 29-52]
Pourfaraj, Alireza
Modeling Measuring the Effects of Microcredit on Social Welfare in Rural Areas
(A Case Study of Barkat Foundation's Job Creation Projects) [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 71-98]
Rafei, Meysam
Investigation of Efficiency of Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Levy Process in Modeling of Exchange Rate Volatility
(COGARCH Approach) [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 81-101]
Raghfar, Hossein
The Impact of implementation of Health Reformation Plan on Fair Financial Contribution in Iran using Pseudo-Panel data [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 35-67]
The effects of household characteristics on consumer spending application of pseudo-panel data modeling [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 1-12]
Rahimi, Mohadeseh
Relative Redistribution and Investment in OPEC Countries [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 123-144]
Rahimi, Zahra
Nominal Feedback Rules in Iranian Monetary Policy: An Investigation of the McCallum Rule [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 1-25]
Rahimi Ghasemabadi, Mohammad
Estimation of Gini Coefficient with Subject to the Size of Government by Using Fuzzy Nonlinear Regression [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 59-79]
Rahiminia, Hiva
The impact of subsidies reform on the inequality of welfare in Iran
(CGE Modelling and Equivalent Variation (EV) Index) [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 243-271]
Rahmani, Teymor
Relationship between Government expenditure multiplier and macroeconomic variables in Iran Using the SVAR method [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 201-223]
Rahmanpoor, Somaye
Estimation of the Economic Consequences of a Port Shutdown on National Output; The Case Study of Shahid Rajaee Port [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 79-105]
Rahnemon piroj, Taybeh
Suggesting and Prioritizing Policy Solutions for Export Financing Development in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 173-197]
Rahnemoon Piruj, Tayyebeh
Modeling and Estimation of Uncertainty Time Series of Iran’s Private and Public Investments Using Vasicek’s Mean Reverting Stochastic Differential Equation (Period 1340-1400) [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 39-71]
Rajabi, Mostafa
The Impact of Natural Resources Economic’s Dependence and Institutional Quality on Health in Iran (A Comparison Between Several Developed and Developing Oil Exporting Countries) [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 215-245]
Rajab Zadeh Moghani, Nahid
Investigating the effective factors on human capital accumulation in Iran in the period 1971-2012 [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 201-228]
Rasekhi, Saeed
Threshold Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Value Added of Iran Economy sectors [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 61-85]
Rasekhi, Saeed
Virtual Water Trade between Iran and CIS [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 109-134]
Rasekhi, Saeed
Shadow Price of Water and Agricultural Competitiveness: An Empirical Study for Iran’s Selected Agricultural Products Using System Dynamics [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 135-174]
Rasuli, karim
Explain the relationship between economic freedom and security of Capital Formation: Evidence from emerging and developing countries. [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 245-263]
Razavi, seyyed Abdollah
Investigating the Effect of Quality Value Index and Market Time Structure on the Price Formula of Iranian Crude Oil in the Asian Market [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 263-287]
Razavi, Seyyed Abdollah
Study the Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Oil Market in Iran and the Globe [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 183-209]
Razavi, Seyyed Abdollah
Investigating and Proposing Effective Methods for Investment and Financing in Iran’s Oil Production [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 73-98]
Razzaghi, Somayeh
A Survey on the Complex Aspects of COVID-19 in Pleasure and Commercial Touristic Destinations: A Comparative Case Study in Business Level [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 151-174]
Razzaghi, Somayeh
How Macroeconomic Variables in Iran Did Respond to Oil Sanctions: An Application of Bayesian TVP-SVAR Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 39-57]
Razzaghi, Somayeh
The Impact of Islamic Financial Development on Income Inequality in Selected Countries: A Spatial Panel Data Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 123-171]
Refah-kahriz, Arash
The effect of property rights and political risk to attract foreign direct investment using with PVAR approach [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 115-144]
Rezaei, Farzin
Optimization of Modern Electricity Supply Chain with NSGA-II [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 63-90]
Rezaei, Shayeste
Investigating the Relationship between Exchange Rate and Interest Rate in Iran's Economy: A Wavelet Coherence Approach [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 137-172]
Rezagholizadeh, Mahdieh
The Relationship Between the Government’s Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions During the Period of the Spread of the Covid-19 Virus and the Iran Stock Market: The Role of Public Vaccination [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 169-199]
Rezazadeh, Ali
Application of the Threshold Vector Autoregression Model (TVAR) in Nonlinear Analysis of Exchange Rate pass-through on Inflation in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 51-81]
Rezazadeh, Ali
The impact of financial system on economic growth in Iran: Markov- Switching approach [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 195-221]
Rezazadeh, Ali
The Impact of Monetary Policy on Herding Behavior in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 101-132]
Riyahi, Fariba
Wheat self-sufficiency effects on the flow of virtual water trade in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 63-79]
Roshan, Reza
Investigating the Effect of Energy Carrier Prices on the Investment of Iranian Industrial Enterprises [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 43-71]
Investigation on importance of relative consumption and risk aversion in consumption expenditures of Iranian households by GMM approach [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 13-31]
Rostami, Mahdi
Forecasting Electricity Demand in Iran: The application of a Hybrid Dynamic Partial Adjustment and ARIMA Model [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 177-199]
Saadat, Rahman
The Relationship between dollar and euro on the basis of game theory [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 75-97]
Saadat, Rahman
An Inter-Country Approach to Analyze Effective Factors on Exchange Rate Overshooting [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 95-121]
Saadatmehr, Masoud
Investigating the Impact of Wealth Tax on Income Distribution in Iran’s Economy [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 117-137]
Sabbaghchi Firouzabad, Mohammad
Investigating the Sudden Changes in the Money on the Welfare cost of Inflation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 279-313]
Sabouhi, Mahmoud
Investigate the Optimal Combination of Bank Credit Portfolios by Using Firefly Algorithm (Case Study of agricultural bank) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 53-97]
The effects of household characteristics on consumer spending application of pseudo-panel data modeling [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 1-12]
Sadeghi, Zain al Abedin
Dynamic simulation of the development of natural gas vehicles in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 191-227]
Sadeghi, Zeinolabedin
Energy efficiency and the abatement cost of marginal carbon dioxide emission in Iranian cities [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 107-129]
Sadeghian Bafqi, RajabAli
Dynamic simulation of the development of natural gas vehicles in Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 191-227]
Sadeghi Saghdel, Hossein
Factors Affecting Poverty in Female-headed Households with an Emphasis on Health Indicators [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 43-74]
Sadeghi Shahdani, Mahdi
Economic Valuation of Electricity Input in Iranian Energy-Intensive Industries [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 133-160]
Saeidpour, Lesyan
Effect of monetary and fiscal shocks on macroeconomic Variables of Iran in different volatility regimes: Markov Switching DSGE Approach [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 55-83]
Safarzadeh, Esmail
The Impact of implementation of Health Reformation Plan on Fair Financial Contribution in Iran using Pseudo-Panel data [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 35-67]
Safavi, ali
The Iranian Government's Budget Deficit Analysis By Artificial Neural Network Simulation [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2013, Pages 19-40]
Saffari, Babak
Valuation of External Effects of Air Pollution Due to Urban Transportation Network - Case study: Isfahan [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 181-205]
Sahabi, Bahram
Oil Shock, Monetary Policy and Collateral Effect in Iranian Economy [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 27-51]
Sahabi, Bahram
Effects of Monetary Incentives and Career Concerns on Quality of Bank Loans: Evidence from Branch Credit Committee of an Iranian Commercial Bank [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 177-213]
Sajadifar, Seyed Hossein
The Interactions of Instability of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the Iranian Economy by the MSVAR Approach [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 169-199]
Sajjad, Rasoul
Estimation of Value-at-Risk using the bootstrap resampling method (A case study of the Tehran stock exchange) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 137-164]
Salahmanesh, Ahmad
Application of the Evolutionary Game Model of Genetic Transfer to Analyze Strategic Trade Relations in Target Markets in Line
with Regional Sgreements [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 1-41]
Salahmanesh, Ahmad
Investigating the Impact of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Inflation and Interest Rate Uncertainty and the Role Monetary and Fiscal Policy Credibility on it: Application of BEKK-VECH-VAR Methods [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 9-37]
Salahmanesh, Ahmad
Application of Melitz Model in Investigating the Role of Productivity of Cement Manufacturing Firms in Cement Exports [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 259-293]
Modeling exchange rate behavior in Iran using random differential equations: Merton model and NGARCH Approach [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 1-21]
Salehi Abar, Khadijeh
Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2016, Pages 43-57]
Salehi Asfiji, Noorallah
Estimating Allocation efficiency of Energy Inputs in Agricultural, Industry, and Services [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 223-255]
Salehnia, Narges
Investigating the Effect of Climate Change on the Growth of the Gross Domestic Product of Iran's Provinces in Different Periods of Time [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 9-39]
Salehnia, Narges
The role of capital utilization rate in evaluating the performance of environmental policies in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Salem, Ali Asghar
Investigation of the Effect of Natural Disasters on Household Consumption Patterns in Iran Using a Difference-in-Difference Model [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 47-82]
Salimi, Ehsan
The role of fiscal discipline and National Development Fund in reducing Dutch disease effects in the Iranian economy [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 219-243]
Salmani-Bishak, Mohammad rezaR
Investigating the Impact of Preferential Trade Agreement between Iran and Turkey and Implementation of Customs Automation on Trade
Costs in Iran: Based on Dynamic GTAP Approach [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 207-239]
Salmanpour Ahmadi, Atena
Shadow Price of Water and Agricultural Competitiveness: An Empirical Study for Iran’s Selected Agricultural Products Using System Dynamics [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 135-174]
Samadi, Saeed
Determining the Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of Macroeconomics and Banking Variables on the Volume of Non-performing Loan of Banks Accepted by Tehran Stock Exchange (2007- 2017) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 201-233]
Samadipour, Shahla
Investigating the Impact of Behavioral Factors on the Iranian Housing Price [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 241-274]
Samaee, Kian
Selecting a group of leading indicators for Iran's GDP [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 1-37]
Samaei, Kian
Constructing a Composite Leading Indicator for Forecasting Non-Oil GDP [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 39-71]
Samsami, Hossein
Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact of Government Expenditure in the Full-Reserve Banking: DSGE Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 9-45]
Samsami, Hossein
The Role of the Unproductive Sector of the Economy and Currency Crisis in Causing Inflation [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 73-101]
Saniee, Ehsan
Prediction of Bank Deposits by Machine Learning Method [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 137-167]
Sargolzaei, Mostafa
Nonlinear Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Economic Growth Based on STR Approach: the Case of Iran [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2012, Pages 1-39]
Sargolzayi, Mostafa
Significance of financial accelerators in a New Keynesian model in Iranian economy [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 215-249]
Sedaghat Kalmarzi, Haniyeh
Testing the Easterlin Paradox in the Framework of Resource Curse Hypothesis: A Case Study of the OPEC Countries [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 1-14]
Sedaghat Kalmarzi, Haniyeh
Inflation and Economic Growth in Middle East Countries; A Threshold Panel Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 159-179]
Seifi, Ahmad
Investigation of Optimal Transitions of Oil Revenues in different Periods of time with the Assumption of Dutch Disease in Iran through Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 41-61]
Seighali, Mohsen
Optimization of Modern Electricity Supply Chain with NSGA-II [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 63-90]
Sepehrdoost, Hamid
Investigating Interactions among Health Care Indicators, Income Inequality and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 69-94]
Sepehrdoost, Hamid
The Impact of Oil Shocks on Iranian Tax Revenue Using the BVAR Model [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 129-169]
Sepehr Doost, Hamid
Investigating the Impact of Globalization and Corruption on Government Size [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2020, Pages 129-159]
Sepehrdost, Hamid
The Effect of Financial Policies on Iran’s Macroeconomic Variables: Evidence from Bayesian Structural Vector Autoregression Model [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 9-44]
Sepehrdoust, Hamid
Investigating the Impact of Behavioral Factors on the Iranian Housing Price [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 241-274]
Setarehie, Maryam
The Impact of Islamic Financial Development on Income Inequality in Selected Countries: A Spatial Panel Data Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 123-171]
Seyed Hoseini, Seyed Mohammad
Optimization of Modern Electricity Supply Chain with NSGA-II [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 63-90]
Seyfi, Tahereh
Forecasting of Crude Oil Price by Using Wavelet Transform, Non-Linear and Linear Models [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2013, Pages 41-62]
Shabanzadeh Khoshrody, Mehdi
Preferential Currency Subsidy and its Effect on the Control of Essential Commodity Prices (Case Study: Iranian Chicken Meat Market) [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 281-311]
Shabanzadeh-Khoshrody, Mehdi
Examining the Pattern of Food Consumption and its Influencing Factors in Urban Areas of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 95-121]
Shaghaghi Shahri, Vahid
Investigating the effect of financial decentralization on the misery index with spatial measurement approach (Iranian provinces) [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 107-139]
Shahabadi, Abolfazl
The Determinants of Banking Performance of Iranian Economy in the form of Simultaneous Equations [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 125-151]
ShahabiNejad, Vahid
Comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of Iran province's large industries using data envelopment analysis in the period 2008-2011 [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2016, Pages 157-178]
Shahbazzadehkhiavi, atabak
The Impact of Oil Price Volatility on Iran's GDP Growth A Markov Model Analysis [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 29-52]
Shahiakitash, Mohammadnabi
Assessing the Relationship between Poverty, Income Distribution and Economic Growth in Iran (FLSR Fuzzy approach) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 39-54]
Shahikitash, Mohammad Nabi
Effect of Credit Easing Policy on Recovery of Iran’s Economy: Stochastic Dynamic General Equilibrium Model Approach [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 9-37]
Investigation on importance of relative consumption and risk aversion in consumption expenditures of Iranian households by GMM approach [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 13-31]
Shahnazi, Rouhollah
The Effects of Countercyclical Capital Rules on Banking Stability and Macroeconomic Dynamics in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 1-33]
Shahvirdi, Amir
Simulation and Prediction of Iran's Exports Using the PSO Algorithm to Achieve the Objectives of the Twenty Years Vision Document
(Case Study: Comparison with Turkish Economy) [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 69-87]
Shakeri, Abbas
The Effects of Financialization on the Physical Investment of Non-Financial Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange Over 1388-1398 Used Multilevel Panel Data [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 47-78]
Shakeri, Saber
Shadow Price of Water and Agricultural Competitiveness: An Empirical Study for Iran’s Selected Agricultural Products Using System Dynamics [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 135-174]
Shakerin, Shahrokh
Economic-Environmental Analysis of Adoption of Green Tax Policy in Iran with Calculable General Balance Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 195-218]
Shalyari, Farzaneh
Investigating the Impact of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Inflation and Interest Rate Uncertainty and the Role Monetary and Fiscal Policy Credibility on it: Application of BEKK-VECH-VAR Methods [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 9-37]
Shamshirbandi, Mehraneh
Investigating Private and Public Investment on the Growth of the Health Sector in Iran: Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 37-72]
Shararkhah Alanagh, Mohammad Hossein
The Impact of Monetary Policy on Herding Behavior in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 101-132]
Sharifpour, Mahmoud
Factors Affecting Poverty in Female-headed Households with an Emphasis on Health Indicators [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 43-74]
Sharifzadeh, Mohammadjavad
The Effect of Banking Crises on Macroeconomic Variables Within the Dsge Models Framework [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 9-38]
Shaygani, Bita
To Assess the effect of electronic banking development on decreasing costs of banks
(selection of private banks) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 231-255]
Shaygani, Bita
The Impact of Export Restrictions on Iran’s Non-oil Export With an Emphasis on Mining Sector [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 163-189]
Shaygani, Bita
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Iran's Export:
Using the Synthetic Control Method [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 97-127]
Shaygani, Bita
The Impact of Business Cycles on Banking System Soundness (With emphasis on Asset Quality) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 15-37]
Shiri, Marzieh
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Predicting GDP and Unemployment Rate, and Their Mutual Impact on The Economy of Iran [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 107-132]
Shojaei, Abdolnasser
Predicting the Dynamics of Private Sector Investment in Iran [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 147-179]
Siahpoosh, Seyed MohammadTaghi
Relationship between Government expenditure multiplier and macroeconomic variables in Iran Using the SVAR method [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 201-223]
Siami Araghi, Ebrahim
Determination of Optimal Fiscal Policy for iran’s Economy:
A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (Dsge) Approach [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 1-39]
SiamiEraghi, ebrahim
Optimum government and tax in public sector economics
and in Iran [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Sobhani, Hassan
Explanation of Rent- Producing channels in the Banking System in Iran using the Institutional Political Economy Approach [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 251-275]
Sobhani, Soheila
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Informal Employment in Iran: DSGE Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 135-169]
Sobhanian, seyyed Mohammad Hadi
Measuring the Effect of Goods Exemptions on the Gini Coefficients and the Degree of Regressiveness of Value Added Tax; A Comparison between the Value Added Tax Low of 2008 and its Amendments in 2020 [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 45-71]
Sobhi, Fatemeh
Dynamics of Oil Price Pass-Through into Iran’s Domestic Prices Index over Time [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 225-253]
Sohaili, Kiomars
Institutions, a prerequisite for trade in the knowledge-based economy [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 87-105]
Sohaili, Kiomars
Testing the Easterlin Paradox in the Framework of Resource Curse Hypothesis: A Case Study of the OPEC Countries [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 1-14]
Sokhanvar, Mohammad
The Effect of Financial Stress Index on Mutual Funds Returns [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 161-192]
Soufimajidpour, Masuod
Long-Run and Short-Run Income Inequality Spatial Effects on Total Factor Productivity: Iran’s Provinces Evidence [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 133-158]
Soufi Majidpour, Masood
Monetary and Currency Policies and Liquidity Risk of Commercial Banks with Emphasis on the Sanctions Period [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 131-154]
Tabataba’i Nasab, Zohreh
Investigating the Sudden Changes in the Money on the Welfare cost of Inflation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 279-313]
Taee, Hasan
Location Optimization of small-scale power plant [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 81-96]
Taee, Hasan
Ranking of CCHP system implementation in Tehran in terms of qualitative and quantitative criteria [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2019, Pages 89-109]
Taghavi, Amir
Saving, Investment and Economic Growth in Iran: Results from ARDL Model and Cointegration approach with Structural Breaks [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 201-225]
Underground Economy and its causes: a Case Study of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 53-72]
Taheri Reykandeh, Emran
Preferential Currency Subsidy and its Effect on the Control of Essential Commodity Prices (Case Study: Iranian Chicken Meat Market) [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2022, Pages 281-311]
Tahvili, Ali
Oil Shock, Monetary Policy and Collateral Effect in Iranian Economy [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 27-51]
Taiebnia, Ali
Estimation of Effective Components on the Preferences of Tehran Citizens to Choose “Car-Free City Center” Using a Random-Parameter Logit Model [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 107-140]
Tamry, Eghlim
The Pattern of Long-Term Volatility Transferring to the Industry Sector in the Tehran Stock Exchange Using the Mixed Data Model
(GARCH-MIDAS Approach) [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2022, Pages 73-95]
Tarhani, Fatemeh
Analysis of Null Hypothesis of Education and Poverty in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-42]
Tasan, Mona
The Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Pro Poor Growth in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 227-251]
Tavakolian, Hoesein
Assessing the Macroeconomic Impact of Government Expenditure in the Full-Reserve Banking: DSGE Approach [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 9-45]
Tavakolian, Hosein
Evaluation of monetary policy in terms of exchange rate shock, MDSGE approach: The case of Iran [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 1-34]
Tavakolian, Hossein
Endogenous Firm Entry and Exit in a DSGE Model for Iran Economy [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 1-39]
Tavakolian, Hossein
Determination of Optimal Fiscal Policy for iran’s Economy:
A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (Dsge) Approach [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 1-39]
Tavakolian, Hossein
Nominal Feedback Rules in Iranian Monetary Policy: An Investigation of the McCallum Rule [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 1-25]
Tavakoliyan, Hossein
The Investigation of Price Setting Models Compatible With the Economy of Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 1-29]
Tavassoly Nia, Ali
An Estimation of the Tax Evasion by Tanzi Method and Analysis the Effect of Fiscal Instruments [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 83-108]
Tayebi, seyed komail
An Inter-Country Approach to Analyze Effective Factors on Exchange Rate Overshooting [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 95-121]
Tighi, Sahar
Decomposition of the Gap of Household Electricity Expenditure Using Blinder–Oaxaca and Machado-Mata Decomposition Models [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2023, Pages 81-101]
Torabi, Hamideh
Estimation of Demand Function for Household Leisure Time in Urban Areas of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 75-93]
Torabnezhad Esfahani, Mostafa
Monetary and Currency Policies and Liquidity Risk of Commercial Banks with Emphasis on the Sanctions Period [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 131-154]
Torkamani, Esmael
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Informal Employment in Iran: DSGE Approach [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 135-169]
Totonchi, Saeed
Evaluating the Most Important Factors Effecting Direct Taxes in Iranian Economy with TVP-DMA and TVP-FAVAR Models Approach [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 39-75]
Vaez Barzani, Mohammad
Determining the Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of Macroeconomics and Banking Variables on the Volume of Non-performing Loan of Banks Accepted by Tehran Stock Exchange (2007- 2017) [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 201-233]
Vakilpoor, ;Mohammad Hassan
Estimating the Amount of Compensatory Payment as a Result of Changes in Energy Prices in the Field of Urban Drinking Water Consumers [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 203-221]
Vakilpour, Mohammad Hasan
Wheat self-sufficiency effects on the flow of virtual water trade in Iran [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 63-79]
Valizadeh, Elnaz
The effect of property rights and political risk to attract foreign direct investment using with PVAR approach [Volume 7, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 115-144]
Yadollahi Otaghsara, Mastaneh
Analysis of the Effect of Globalization on Economic Well-Being in Iran: Emphasizing the Dimensions and Components of Globalization [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 45-80]
Yaghoubi, saeed
A System Dynamics for Analyzinging bullwhip Effect in Drug Supply Chain Considering Targeted Subsidy Plan [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 113-139]
Yarmohammadi, Masoud
Exchange RatePrediction Using Singular Spectrum Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 133-146]
Yavari, Kazem
Oil Shock, Monetary Policy and Collateral Effect in Iranian Economy [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 27-51]
Yavari, Kazem
The Effect of Banking Crises on Macroeconomic Variables Within the Dsge Models Framework [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 9-38]
Yazdani, Mehdi
Investigating Effect of Exchange Rate Shocks on Inflation in Iranian Economy during Seasonal Period 2000-2012 [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 171-197]
Yazdanpanah, Hamideh
The Effects of Countercyclical Capital Rules on Banking Stability and Macroeconomic Dynamics in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 1-33]
Younessi, Ali
Analysis of the Effect of Inflation on Unemployment in the Provinces of Iran: A Spatial Econometric Approach [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 99-129]
Yousefi barfurushi, Arman
Analysis the Asymmetric Effect of Oil's Price and Revenue on Unemployment Rate in Iran Application of Asymmetric Model (NARDL) [Volume 7, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 23-49]
Yousefi barfurushi, Arman
An Estimation of the Tax Evasion by Tanzi Method and Analysis the Effect of Fiscal Instruments [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 83-108]
Zamanian, gholamreza
Currency shocks and dollarization of Iranian economy [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2013, Pages 55-73]
Zamanian, Gholareza
Financial and Monetary Conditions Index on the Iranian Economy: Principal Component Analysis [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 29-57]
Zamanzadeh, Hamid
Endogenous Firm Entry and Exit in a DSGE Model for Iran Economy [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 1-39]
Zare, Hashem
Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Pass-through Degree in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 25-55]
Zare, Hashem
Real-Fiscal Linkages of Fiscal Revenue-side in Iran [(Articles in Press)]
Zare, Mohammad Hassan
Income Inequality and the Share of Value Added of Industries: The Role of Production Factors Intensity in Iran’s Economy
Shahin Keshavarz Rezaei [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 41-71]
Zare, Somayeh
Investigating Effect of Exchange Rate Shocks on Inflation in Iranian Economy during Seasonal Period 2000-2012 [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 171-197]
Zarei, Behnoush
The Effect of Business Intelligence on Financial Performance of Iranian Banks [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 111-130]
Zarei, Mobina
Analysis of Null Hypothesis of Education and Poverty in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-42]
Zarie, Mbina
The Effect of Income Inequality and Relative Poverty line on Durable Goods Purchasing Power [Volume 10, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 99-133]
Zaroki, Shahriyar
Analysis of the Effective Factors on the Probability of Household Poverty in Iran with Emphasis on Type of Occupation [Volume 9, Issue 36, 2021, Pages 89-121]
Zaroki, Shahryar
An Estimation of the Tax Evasion by Tanzi Method and Analysis the Effect of Fiscal Instruments [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 83-108]
Zaroki, Shahryar
Analysis of the Effect of Government Budget Imbalance on Economic Welfare in Iran [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 73-105]
Zaroki, Shahryar
Analysis of the Effect of Globalization on Economic Well-Being in Iran: Emphasizing the Dimensions and Components of Globalization [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 45-80]
Zaroki, Shahryar
Shadow Price of Water and Agricultural Competitiveness: An Empirical Study for Iran’s Selected Agricultural Products Using System Dynamics [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2025, Pages 135-174]
Comparison of performance of fuzzy autoregressive integrated moving average and fuzzy neural network to forecast economic growth in Iran [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2014, Pages 33-52]
Zobeiri, Hoda
The Impact of Creative Industries on Employment Rate Using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2024, Pages 193-221]
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