Investigation of the Tax Income and Oil Revenues on Health Expenditure in Iran

Document Type : Research Article


Master of Economics/Economics Department , Bu Ali Sina University


            Health is one of the main development indicators and investment in this sector has direct impact on welfare and economic growth. The impact of health expenditures on the economic and social performance of the community and its importance in provision of sustainable development has been a matter for economists and policy makers. The most important factors affecting economic growth are labor, physical capital, and human capital. Health is one of the indicators of human capital that boosts labor productivity and as a result boosts economic growth and development. So many models and research have tried to identify the factors cause to increase health expenditure and explain how they are effective. Lack of inadequacy in providing health care services in each country is considered as weaknesses of the governments. One of the important health Challenges in Iran usually has been Identifying the budget determinants. Tax and oil revenues are two main determinant factors for health expenditures in Iran. The purpose of the research is to investigate the effect of tax and oil revenues on health expenditures in Iran. The research was performed ARDL method using annual data from 1364 to 1394, in calculating, Eviews10 software was used. The results of the estimation show that there is a positive and significant relationship between tax and oil revenues with health expenditures. Also, based on the estimated results, the coefficient of estimation of the variables of urban rate and per capita income has a positive and significant effect and income inequality variables and education have a negative and significant effect on health expenditures in Iran.


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