Relationship between Government expenditure multiplier and macroeconomic variables in Iran Using the SVAR method

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Economics - Raja University - Qazvin - Iran - Assistant Finance Officer and Manager of Economics Department


Among the policies pursued by the government in pursuit of economic goals, financial policies are in the form of packages and financial incentives. However, the formulation of these policy packages is not feasible regardless of how the government's financial policies affect the macroeconomic variables. in this regard, the present paper examines the relationship between government financial policies in the form of increasing government spending with some macroeconomic variables including production, exchange rate, degree of economy openness and government debt over the period of 2018-1980 using The SVAR method is discussed. The results of the research have shown that production variables, government debt, the degree of economy openness and exchange rate have the largest share in explaining the changes in the increasing coefficient of government spending


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