Effects of Subsidies Targeting on Costumers’ Welfare Equivalent Variations in Iran

Document Type : Research Article



Implementation of targeted subsidies in real prices was followed by the change in relative welfare, the costumers’ combined expenditures and long-term demand behavior, the composition and behavior of consumer spending , there will be long-term demand .
   The prices have been actualized by Performance of subsidies targeting leading to changes in relative welfare, the costumers’ combined expenditures and long-term demand behavior. Since changes in technology are possible in longtime, the positive effects of subsides targeting will be revealed gradually.    In addition, enforcing this law has remarkable effects on economy in a short time. Therefore, to compensate the public welfare, government undertakes some costs during this period. So, understanding the costumers’ demand behavior in Iran and the price and income effects on this behavior along with comparing the costs for paying subsides by government and the costumers equivalent variations is of great importance for keeping the family welfare and economic factors. Accordingly this paper aimed to test the hypothesis of government payments and people’s equivalent variation from 1389 to 1394 via simulation the variables of the customers’ demand model using almost ideal demand system (in the forms of two groups of imported and produced and consumed goods each of which divided into two groups of durable and nondurable) based on inflation figures and different growth rates. 
   The findings revealed that the amount government payments in inflation range from 20% to 70% of the nondurable goods will be less than the people equivalent variations; namely, government payments have not been equal to the costumers' welfare reduction. 


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