Energy efficiency and the abatement cost of marginal carbon dioxide emission in Iranian cities

Document Type : Research Article


1 student

2 Associate Professor Department of Economics Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

3 professor


One of the major challenges governments are facing in the 21st century are environmental crises. Detection of destructive factors, measuring the costs degrading the environment and managing their deteriorating factors play an important role in maintaining this unique wealth. The main objective of this study is to measure the energy efficiency and final cost of reducing carbon dioxide in urban areas of Iran's provinces. This study was carried out using time series data gathered between 2006 to 2016. According to the Ministry of the Interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s classification, each province of the country fits into exactly one of the five specified regions. Regions defined based on neighboring factors, geographic location, and commonality. This research has been done using mathematical modeling programing.
The results of this research illustrate that the average energy efficiencies of regions 3, 2, and 5 are above the average energy efficiency of the total regions of the country and regions 1 and 4 average energy efficiencies are below that. The 3rd region with the efficiency of 0.93 has the
highest, region 4 with a score of 0.61 has the lowest energy efficiency and region 1 has the highest carbon dioxide emission in the regions. The 3rd with the highest energy efficiency has the lowest carbon dioxide emission.
The average relative price of carbon dioxide emission in all regions is 21.5 ten thousand Rials per ton. The average shadow value of the pollution in all regions based on the desired product is 194.4 ten thousand Rials per ton


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