Keyword Index


  • ARDL Economic factors affecting the volatility of tax revenues [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 25-42]
  • ARDL Model land leverage and housing price volatility in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 49-67]
  • ARDL Model Investigating the effective factors on human capital accumulation in Iran in the period 1971-2012 [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 201-228]
  • ARMA Model Introducing an appropriate forecasting system to estimate the treatment demand at Imam Reza hospital of Urmia [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 205-232]
  • Asymmetric Effects The Asymmetric and Symmetric Effects of Changes in Price and Income on Natural Gas Demand in Iran Industry Sector [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 135-155]
  • Asymmetry The Investigation of Okun's Law and Asymmetry of This Relationship in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 209-230]
  • Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) The Impact of Human Capital Dimensions on Total Factor Productivity of Production in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 81-106]
  • Auto Regressive Distributed Lag Model A Study of the Effect of Population Growth on Per Capita GDP in Iran Using an ARDL Appraoch [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 69-87]
  • Average Years of Schooling A Study on the Effect of Education Inequality on Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 179-203]


  • Bank deposits Estimation Non-Linearity Effect of Rent Seeking Opportunities on Volume of Private Sector Bank Deposits in Iranian Economy: Using Markov-Switching Model [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 265-294]
  • Banking services To Assess the effect of electronic banking development on decreasing costs of banks (selection of private banks) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 231-255]
  • Bounds test The Impact of Human Capital Dimensions on Total Factor Productivity of Production in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 81-106]
  • Budget allocation Tabriz Efficient Allocation of Municipal Budgetting with Emphasis on Development Costs (Centralized Data Envelopment Analysis Method) [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 27-48]


  • CDEA (Centralized Data envelopment analysis) Tabriz Efficient Allocation of Municipal Budgetting with Emphasis on Development Costs (Centralized Data Envelopment Analysis Method) [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 27-48]
  • Cereal Price Effect of Energy Price on Cereal Price Using Mixed Data Sampling Regression Models (Generalized OLS-based ARDL Approach) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 149-160]
  • CO2 Emissions Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 43-57]
  • COICOP The effect of rising exchange rate on the household Expenditure of the through of imports: An input-output analysis [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 257-272]
  • Comparative advantage Application of Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) in Evaluation of Competitiveness and Readiness for WTO Accession of Iran's Food Industries: Case Study of Company  in Dairy Industries [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 113-139]


  • Dairy Industries Application of Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) in Evaluation of Competitiveness and Readiness for WTO Accession of Iran's Food Industries: Case Study of Company  in Dairy Industries [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 113-139]
  • Data Envelopment Analysis Comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of Iran province's large industries using data envelopment analysis in the period 2008-2011 [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 157-178]
  • Demographic changes The Effects of Demographic Changes on Income and Consumption Taxes in Iranian Economy: Microsimulation Approach [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 107-134]
  • Distance function Decomposition of Environmental Total Factor Productivity Growth Using Distance Function in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 1-24]
  • Dutch disease The role of fiscal discipline and National Development Fund in reducing Dutch disease effects in the Iranian economy [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 219-243]
  • Dynamic Pseudo Panel Measuring Nonlinear Poverty trap In Consumption Expenditures Dynamics Generation Of Men In Iran [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 89-112]
  • Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium The Investigation of Oil Revenues Management Strategy on Macroeconomic Performance in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 107-131]
  • Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) The role of fiscal discipline and National Development Fund in reducing Dutch disease effects in the Iranian economy [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 219-243]


  • Early Warning Hybrid Model Designing of Hybrid Early Warning Model of Financial Crisis in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 35-68]
  • E-Banking To Assess the effect of electronic banking development on decreasing costs of banks (selection of private banks) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 231-255]
  • Economic growth The Investigation of Okun's Law and Asymmetry of This Relationship in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 209-230]
  • Economic growth Study of Effective Factors on Environmental Degradation by Using Water Pollution: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 69-84]
  • Economic growth The Effects of and Health Expenditure on Economical Growth in Iran s’ Provinces [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 171-185]
  • Education Gini coefficient A Study on the Effect of Education Inequality on Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 179-203]
  • Emergency Department Introducing an appropriate forecasting system to estimate the treatment demand at Imam Reza hospital of Urmia [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 205-232]
  • Energy Economics Qu & Perron Methodology Application in Recognition of the Iranian Economy Oil Shocks [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 81-105]
  • Energy efficiency Decomposition of Environmental Total Factor Productivity Growth Using Distance Function in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 1-24]
  • Energy Price Effect of Energy Price on Cereal Price Using Mixed Data Sampling Regression Models (Generalized OLS-based ARDL Approach) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 149-160]
  • Environmental considerations Optimal Income Tax Rate With and Without Environmental Considerations [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 1-25]
  • Environmental Efficiency Decomposition of Environmental Total Factor Productivity Growth Using Distance Function in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 1-24]
  • Environmental total factor productivity Decomposition of Environmental Total Factor Productivity Growth Using Distance Function in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 1-24]
  • Error Correction Models Estimate the housing bubble in Iran with the Error Correction approach [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 1-34]
  • Exchange rate The effect of rising exchange rate on the household Expenditure of the through of imports: An input-output analysis [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 257-272]
  • Exchange rate Testing Existence of Rational Price Bubble in foreign exchange Market of Iran: Application of sequential Unit Root Tests [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 1-20]
  • Exchange rate A study of the Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on the GDP Gap with a New Keynesian Model in the Iranian Economy [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 161-182]
  • Exchange rate Policy The effects of monetary, fiscal, exchange rate, and trade policies on the export and employment of industrial sectors of iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 133-148]


  • Financial Crisis Designing of Hybrid Early Warning Model of Financial Crisis in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 35-68]
  • Fiscal capacity Fiscal capacity, alternative to oil revenues in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 183-199]
  • Fiscal Decentralization Leviathan Hypothesis Testing for the Iranian Economy by Using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 141-166]
  • Fiscal Stimulus Programs Investigation of Fiscal Stimulus Programs Effects on Economic Growth in Iran Using TVAR model [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 127-143]
  • Fuzzy Logic Estimation Non-Linearity Effect of Rent Seeking Opportunities on Volume of Private Sector Bank Deposits in Iranian Economy: Using Markov-Switching Model [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 265-294]


  • GDP Per Capita A Study of the Effect of Population Growth on Per Capita GDP in Iran Using an ARDL Appraoch [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 69-87]
  • Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) Leviathan Hypothesis Testing for the Iranian Economy by Using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 141-166]
  • Government size Leviathan Hypothesis Testing for the Iranian Economy by Using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 141-166]
  • Gradual –Scaling-up The Investigation of Oil Revenues Management Strategy on Macroeconomic Performance in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 107-131]
  • Growth Survey on the Relationship between Economic Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Iran during Five-Year Development Plan [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 59-79]


  • Health Capital The Effects of and Health Expenditure on Economical Growth in Iran s’ Provinces [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 171-185]
  • Health Care expenditure The Effects of and Health Expenditure on Economical Growth in Iran s’ Provinces [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 171-185]
  • High speed railway Economic analysis of costs in high speed railway at different speeds to implement the optimal speed in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 167-192]
  • High-Tech Industries The Impact of Internal R&D Capital, Imported Capital Goods Stock and Human Capital on Iranian High-Tech Industries' Value Added [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 21-54]
  • Household expenditure The effect of rising exchange rate on the household Expenditure of the through of imports: An input-output analysis [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 257-272]
  • Human Capital The Effects of and Health Expenditure on Economical Growth in Iran s’ Provinces [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 171-185]
  • Human Capital The Impact of Internal R&D Capital, Imported Capital Goods Stock and Human Capital on Iranian High-Tech Industries' Value Added [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 21-54]
  • Human Capital Investigating the effective factors on human capital accumulation in Iran in the period 1971-2012 [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 201-228]
  • Human Capital The Impact of Human Capital Dimensions on Total Factor Productivity of Production in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 81-106]


  • Imported Capital Goods Stock The Impact of Internal R&D Capital, Imported Capital Goods Stock and Human Capital on Iranian High-Tech Industries' Value Added [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 21-54]
  • Income Distribution A Study on the Effect of Education Inequality on Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 179-203]
  • Income Dynamic Measuring Nonlinear Poverty trap In Consumption Expenditures Dynamics Generation Of Men In Iran [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 89-112]
  • Index Decomposition Analysis Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 43-57]
  • Industrial Sectores The effects of monetary, fiscal, exchange rate, and trade policies on the export and employment of industrial sectors of iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 133-148]
  • Inequality Survey on the Relationship between Economic Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Iran during Five-Year Development Plan [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 59-79]
  • Input-Output The effect of rising exchange rate on the household Expenditure of the through of imports: An input-output analysis [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 257-272]
  • Internal R&D The Impact of Internal R&D Capital, Imported Capital Goods Stock and Human Capital on Iranian High-Tech Industries' Value Added [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 21-54]
  • Iran Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 43-57]
  • Iran Survey on the Relationship between Economic Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Iran during Five-Year Development Plan [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 59-79]
  • Iran The Impact of Human Capital Dimensions on Total Factor Productivity of Production in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 81-106]
  • Iran Economy Designing of Hybrid Early Warning Model of Financial Crisis in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 35-68]
  • Iranian Economy Optimal Income Tax Rate With and Without Environmental Considerations [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 1-25]
  • Iranian provinces large industries Comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of Iran province's large industries using data envelopment analysis in the period 2008-2011 [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 157-178]
  • ISIC The effect of rising exchange rate on the household Expenditure of the through of imports: An input-output analysis [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 257-272]


  • Johansen-Juselius Approach A Study on the Effect of Education Inequality on Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 179-203]


  • Keywords: government size The effect of the factors affecting the size of government in the provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 55-80]
  • Koyck Model The Asymmetric and Symmetric Effects of Changes in Price and Income on Natural Gas Demand in Iran Industry Sector [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 135-155]


  • Laffer curve Fiscal capacity, alternative to oil revenues in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 183-199]
  • Leviathan Hypothesis Leviathan Hypothesis Testing for the Iranian Economy by Using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 141-166]
  • LMDI Method Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 43-57]


  • Markov-Switching Models Estimation Non-Linearity Effect of Rent Seeking Opportunities on Volume of Private Sector Bank Deposits in Iranian Economy: Using Markov-Switching Model [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 265-294]
  • Microsimulation The Effects of Demographic Changes on Income and Consumption Taxes in Iranian Economy: Microsimulation Approach [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 107-134]
  • MIDAS Model Effect of Energy Price on Cereal Price Using Mixed Data Sampling Regression Models (Generalized OLS-based ARDL Approach) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 149-160]
  • Multi- rate tax function The Effects of Demographic Changes on Income and Consumption Taxes in Iranian Economy: Microsimulation Approach [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 107-134]


  • Neural –Networks Introducing an appropriate forecasting system to estimate the treatment demand at Imam Reza hospital of Urmia [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 205-232]
  • New Keynesian rational expectations A study of the Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on the GDP Gap with a New Keynesian Model in the Iranian Economy [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 161-182]
  • Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries Decomposing the Influencing Factors of CO2 Emissions in Iranian Non-Metallic Mineral Products Industries [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 43-57]


  • Oil Rent Investigating the effective factors on human capital accumulation in Iran in the period 1971-2012 [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 201-228]
  • Oil Revenue Management The Investigation of Oil Revenues Management Strategy on Macroeconomic Performance in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 107-131]
  • Oil revenues alternatives Fiscal capacity, alternative to oil revenues in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 183-199]
  • Oil shock The role of fiscal discipline and National Development Fund in reducing Dutch disease effects in the Iranian economy [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 219-243]
  • Okuns low The Investigation of Okun's Law and Asymmetry of This Relationship in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 209-230]
  • Operational Costs To Assess the effect of electronic banking development on decreasing costs of banks (selection of private banks) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 231-255]
  • Optimal income tax rate Optimal Income Tax Rate With and Without Environmental Considerations [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 1-25]
  • Output Gap Investigation of Fiscal Stimulus Programs Effects on Economic Growth in Iran Using TVAR model [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 127-143]
  • Output Gap A study of the Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on the GDP Gap with a New Keynesian Model in the Iranian Economy [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 161-182]


  • Panel Data Analysis of Effect of Trade Liberalization on the Growth of the Agricultural Sub Sectors [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 85-105]
  • Panel Data The Impact of Internal R&D Capital, Imported Capital Goods Stock and Human Capital on Iranian High-Tech Industries' Value Added [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 21-54]
  • Panel Data The effects of monetary, fiscal, exchange rate, and trade policies on the export and employment of industrial sectors of iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 133-148]
  • Pattern Net Neural Network Model Designing of Hybrid Early Warning Model of Financial Crisis in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 35-68]
  • Policy Analysis Matrix(PAM) Application of Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) in Evaluation of Competitiveness and Readiness for WTO Accession of Iran's Food Industries: Case Study of Company  in Dairy Industries [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 113-139]
  • Population A Study of the Effect of Population Growth on Per Capita GDP in Iran Using an ARDL Appraoch [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 69-87]
  • Poverty Survey on the Relationship between Economic Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Iran during Five-Year Development Plan [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 59-79]
  • Poverty Equivalent Growth Rate Survey on the Relationship between Economic Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Iran during Five-Year Development Plan [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 59-79]
  • Pravate banking To Assess the effect of electronic banking development on decreasing costs of banks (selection of private banks) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 231-255]
  • Prediction Effect of Energy Price on Cereal Price Using Mixed Data Sampling Regression Models (Generalized OLS-based ARDL Approach) [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 149-160]
  • Price Bubbles Testing Existence of Rational Price Bubble in foreign exchange Market of Iran: Application of sequential Unit Root Tests [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 1-20]
  • Price Elasticity and Income Elasticity of Natural Gas Demand The Asymmetric and Symmetric Effects of Changes in Price and Income on Natural Gas Demand in Iran Industry Sector [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 135-155]


  • Rent-Seeking Estimation Non-Linearity Effect of Rent Seeking Opportunities on Volume of Private Sector Bank Deposits in Iranian Economy: Using Markov-Switching Model [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 265-294]
  • Resource Abundance Investigating the effective factors on human capital accumulation in Iran in the period 1971-2012 [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 201-228]


  • Self-Organizing Map Neural Network Model Designing of Hybrid Early Warning Model of Financial Crisis in Iran's Economy [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 35-68]
  • Spend- as –you- go The Investigation of Oil Revenues Management Strategy on Macroeconomic Performance in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 107-131]
  • Structural Break The Investigating of Causality Relationship and Cointegration between Government Revenue and Expenditure in Iran: IN THE PRESENCE OF STRUCTURAL BREAKS [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 145-170]
  • Structural Breaks Qu & Perron Methodology Application in Recognition of the Iranian Economy Oil Shocks [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 81-105]
  • System dynamics Simulating the role of subsidies reform in fuel consumption by system dynamics approach [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 107-125]


  • Tabriz Tabriz Efficient Allocation of Municipal Budgetting with Emphasis on Development Costs (Centralized Data Envelopment Analysis Method) [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 27-48]
  • Tabriz Municipality Tabriz Efficient Allocation of Municipal Budgetting with Emphasis on Development Costs (Centralized Data Envelopment Analysis Method) [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 27-48]
  • Tax on consumption The Effects of Demographic Changes on Income and Consumption Taxes in Iranian Economy: Microsimulation Approach [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 107-134]
  • Tax on income The Effects of Demographic Changes on Income and Consumption Taxes in Iranian Economy: Microsimulation Approach [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 107-134]
  • The provinces of Iran Decomposition of Environmental Total Factor Productivity Growth Using Distance Function in the Provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 1-24]
  • Threshold Vector Autoregresive Model Investigation of Fiscal Stimulus Programs Effects on Economic Growth in Iran Using TVAR model [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 127-143]
  • Toda-Yamamoto approach The Investigating of Causality Relationship and Cointegration between Government Revenue and Expenditure in Iran: IN THE PRESENCE OF STRUCTURAL BREAKS [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 145-170]
  • Total-Factor Energy Efficiency Index (TFEEI) Comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of Iran province's large industries using data envelopment analysis in the period 2008-2011 [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 157-178]
  • Tradable and non-tradable goods Testing Existence of Rational Price Bubble in foreign exchange Market of Iran: Application of sequential Unit Root Tests [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 1-20]
  • Traditional Banking To Assess the effect of electronic banking development on decreasing costs of banks (selection of private banks) [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 231-255]
  • Treatment demand forecasting Introducing an appropriate forecasting system to estimate the treatment demand at Imam Reza hospital of Urmia [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 205-232]


  • Unequal Education A Study on the Effect of Education Inequality on Income Distribution in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 179-203]


  • Wagner’s law The effect of the factors affecting the size of government in the provinces of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 55-80]
  • Water pollution Study of Effective Factors on Environmental Degradation by Using Water Pollution: A Case Study of Iran [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 69-84]
  • World Trade Organization ) WTO( Application of Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) in Evaluation of Competitiveness and Readiness for WTO Accession of Iran's Food Industries: Case Study of Company  in Dairy Industries [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 113-139]