Economic Evaluation of Agricultural Water Allocation in Varamin Plain, Case Study: Latian Dam

Document Type : Research Article



Water plays a key role in the development of agriculture and production in agriculture it`s not possible without water. Also, due to the dry and semi-dry weather in Iran, it is crucial. On the other hand, optimal allocation and dynamic and stochastic factors in water allocation are also important. So In this paper, stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) is used for Latian dam water allocation to farmers of Varamin plain during 1370-1391. Objective function is producer welfare surplus that obtained from the area under the agricultural water demand function. To estimate the demand function a panel data approach is used. Given that the operation of the reservoir dam has always been a conflict between the decision makers, the purpose of this paper is determine the optimal allocation of water to farmers. Hence, it is assumed the the amount of water allocation to farmers it`s not optimal and it`s must be increased. According to results and farmer`s demand, optimal of water allocation is 170 MMC, that is 22 MMC more than long run average. Hence, the amount of water allocated to agriculture can be increased. Also, according to demand curve of water, agricultural water supply in drought conditions is necessary.


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