Effects of Energy Price Liberalization Policies on Water & Soil Resources in Agriculture sector , Using Mathematical Programming Approach

Document Type : Research Article



Subsidies have been paid on agriculture inputs with the aim of supporting producers in order to develop agricultural products as the vital needs of consumers and as a result increase social well-being. But the low cost of energy as an important production input in agriculture sector which draws certain government supports, has undesired effects on different parts of society including agriculture. Among the undesired consequences of this policy are low energy efficiency, environment destruction threat and therefore an influence on sustainable agriculture factors, high internal consumption compared with international standards, and the high cost of energy subsidies imposed on public budget. To investigate the effects of energy price liberalization policies on the environmental factors of sustainable agriculture, this study uses partial equilibrium (PE) with mathematical programming approach and analyzes the effects of different energy cost scenarios on these indicators. The results of running the model in GAMS 22.9 software showed that decreasing energy subsides had positive influence on the improvement of environmental indicators, consumed water, and N and K fertilizers per hectare.


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