Determinants of carbon dioxide emissions by urban households: Heckman Two-Stage Approach

Document Type : Research Article



Growth in urban populations causes extension of economic activity and increases energy consumption that lead to increases in the types of greenhouse gas emissions (especially CO2). Thus, Carbon dioxide emissions may create significant social harm because of global warming and risks of climate change. In this paper, we attempt to quantify the carbon dioxide emissions associated with home heating, and household electricity usage and transportation (annual consumption of gasoline by households who own cars) in different cities across the country by using pooling data and Heckman two stage approach. For this purpose, we have used the data of cost-income for 14000 urban households in the year 1388.
The results of estimation equations related to home heating, household electricity usage and transportation indicate that income has a positive and significant effect on consumption of three types of energy. Also, there are positive association between CO2 emissions and income, Household Size and Age of Household Head.


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