An Investigation of the Relationship between Growth and Pollution in the Framework of a Generalized Endogenous Growth Model: A Calibrated Model for Iranian Economy



The main objective of this article is calibration of an augmented endogenous growth model for Iranian economy. For this purpose, clean technology diffusion assumption is added to augmenting the endogenous growth model to open economy. Optimal control theory used to analytically solving the model and the necessary conditions to place the economy on the sustainable growth path is derived. On this basis, the development sustainability condition is pollution does not increase along with economic growth. In order to empirically test of the model, it has been calibrated with using data and parameter values corresponding to the Iranian economy. The effects of relative risk aversion coefficient, environmental consciousness preferences of producers, environmental consciousness preferences of consumers and clean technology diffusion has been investigated on the growth rate of key variables on the steady state. The results show that the relationship between economic growth and pollution on the steady state growth, and hence sustainable development status, can vary depending on the coefficient of relative risk aversion. So that for small values ​​of relative risk aversion coefficient, along with economic growth the pollution increase and for larger values ​​of that parameter, pollution will decrease along with economic growth. The sensitivity analysis shows that the environmental consciousness preferences of producers and environmental consciousness preferences of consumers have the most positive impact on the stock of pollution. Moreover, the parameter of clean technology diffusion has a significant impact on emissions of pollutants and pollution intensity in Iranian economy. This result is important from the standpoint of policy and planning to achieve sustainable development.


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