The Effect of Credit Easing Policy on Macroeconomic Variables in Iran

Document Type : Research Article


1 usb

2 Director of the Department of Industrial Economics

3 university Sistan and Baluchestan

4 Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, many countries implemented credit easing policy in the recession period. The main objective of the paper is to investigate the effect of implementing credit policy on macroeconomic variables in Iran's economy.  We estimated the VAR model with seasonal data for the years 1384-1395. In the first place, the unit root test for the time series variables were examined and then, by analyzing the VAR model, we estimated the impulse-response variables.  The results indicate a positive and significant positive effect of credit easing by 0.001 per cent on GDP growth rate and by 0.07 per cent on the private investment rate and by 0.12 per cent on non-oil exports. These effects will reduce the unemployment rate by 0.0025 per cent. It also decreases the real exchange rate by 0.02%.


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