Survival analysis for the unemployment duration of Persons Covered by Unemployment Insurance in Iran (2013-2018)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Economic affairs

2 Ferdowsi University of Mashahd

3 University professor


The study of the impact of unemployment insurance policies on job incentives for unemployed people requires empirical studies. In this paper, the survivability in unemployment insurance has been investigated based on individual characteristics using survival analysis method. The focus of the research is on the impact of unemployment benefit and spell, which is then divided into five different categories of these two variables, along with the variables of gender, marital status, educational level, previous use Unemployment insurance and vocational training are also considered. The Analysis on the Survivability Function is based on Fund Social Security organization's data, during (January 2013 to June 2018).
The result of the Survival Survey illustration unemployment insurance benefit and spell significantly increases survive in unemployment insurance.
Also, the variables of gender, marital status and the duration of previous use of unemployment insurance in low unemployment benefit were significant. As men, married and those who have used less than previous unemployment insurance, are more likely to survive. On the other hand, variables of education, vocational education and age have no significant effect on the survival of individuals in unemployment insurance.
Considering the significant variables, It is recommended to optimize unemployment insurance to consider The downward trend of monthly unemployment insurance and reduced payment against proposed job rejection, the reduction in the length of payment based on the average of similar countries and design of efficient system in vocational education and employment centers.


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