The framework for regional tourism satellite accounts in Iran

Document Type : Research Article




The purpose of this research was to develop a methodological framework and the operational process of regional tourism satellite accounts in Iran. This research has employed analytical-comparative approach along with deep documentary studies. Accordingly, the resources and collection method of the regional tourism satellite accounts in Iran were provided by the explanation of the structure of Tables of tourism satellite accounts and introducing the statistical sources used in other countries and also the level of access to data in the provinces of Iran (example: province of Khorasan Razavi). Based on the results of this study and in order to prepare the accounts for the provinces of Iran, it is recommended to prepare seven out of ten target tables (table 1-6 and table 10) and the method of preparation of these accounts should be also directly and independently of regional tourism satellite accounts at the national level. In addition to the available statistic resources, at least three surveys should be done to prepare these accounts including national/provincial surveys completed the survey of the National Tourists, national/provincial out-bound survey of tourists, survey to determine the adjustment factors enterprise information. These accounts are a tool for economic analysis (particularly the economic impact analysis) in the tourism industry, which have a close relationship with other economic accounts (SNA and regional IO tables). The formation Strategic Council of tourism satellite accounts at the provincial level makes to possible to prepare comprehensive information and develop the regional tourism satellite accounts. Provincial Department of Management and Planning Organization is responsible for preparing these statistics and accounts.


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