Estimation Non-Linearity Effect of Competitiveness on Innovation in Iranian Industries: Emphasizing Different Levels of Industry Technology And the Poisson Pseudo-maximum Likelihood Method And Panel Threshold Regression

Document Type : Research Article


1 univercity ahvaz

2 economics, shahid chamran university of ahvaz


Considering the importance of the competitiveness on innovation, the present study examines the nonlinear impact of competitiveness on innovation with the use of the Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML) method. For this purpose, the data of Iran's industry was used according to the International Standard Industrial Activities Classification (ISIC) for the period of 2004-2014. To calculate the competitiveness index three indexes such as Herfindahl, Entropy and Inverse number of firm indicators were used. Based on the results, two Herfindahl and Entropy indicators emphasized the effect of nonlinear and U-form of competitiveness on innovation. Monopoly threshold level formed a panel regression model (PTR) that 17% was obtained for the Herfindahl index and 50% for Entropy index. Investigating the effect of competitiveness on innovation in two groups of industries that are distinguished based on technology gap Showed that industries competing on a level of technology, the motivation for innovate and escape from the competition is more. Also, The results also imply on negative effect of exit rates and positive and significant effect of technology gap on innovation.


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